Dan's POV
Phil did really well today. Granted there were a few times he almost passed out but I got him out of it.
Once was during the burial, then again when we walked to the cars after the burial and again on the way to the function room we were having the wake in. It had happened quite a lot but I guess it's natural, it was his best friends funeral.
We arrived at the function room where there was a sea of black fading into the doors.
We walked in and found a table to sit at. We were sat down and Phil wanted to hold Lucy so I let him.
She was tired after today so Phil was feeding her her bottle and she was asleep in his arms and Phil passed me the bottle that was still half full. Phil turned to me with a tear in his eye and whispered, " Dan... get Lucy... I'm...gonna..." and Phil's eyes flustered closed. He opened the again as I took Lucy from him and lay her on the sofa next to us. I stood up and crouched in front of Phil and held him and tried to calm him down but I couldn't he was fully unconscious to the point it would be dangerous to try and wake him up so I lifted him up and placed him on the other sofa, lying down.
Someone came over.
"You know some of the times we went out I never saw Phil drink anything but he would be the one who passed out. Guess he must have drank stuff when we weren't looking or something. How much has he drank?"
"Oh are you one of his old friends?" I said while moving from on my knees to being sat cross legged on the floor in front of Phil and next to Lucy.
"Yeah...I guess you could say friends... who are you... I've never seen him with you before, or talk about you for that matter and you are a good piece of eye candy... so I would have payed attention if I ever saw you or heard about you."
"Oh well, by the way he's not drank anything, he has a medical condition, it's complicated. But I'm Dan and he's my boyfriend but we've only gotten together after this all happened." I said, feeling myself blush slightly at what he said beforehand.
"Mind if I join you?" He asked and I nodded. He sat next to me, also on the floor. "Whose the kid?" He asked.
"Oh, that's Lucy. My biological kid and his step kid I suppose but she won't ever know her mother so I want to raise her as ours, you know?"
"Yeah, yeah I get it..." he started. "Treat him well, yeah? I hope you don't mind but I've been in love with him for years, never had the guts to say it... there was a few times where I came to their apartment to tell him but then I backed out and PJ brought me in and took me to his room and we talked about it all. That happened a few times, and PJ told him that we hooked up I guess coz I didn't want him to know because I was scared that I wouldn't be good enough for him. Peej set up a games night thing to you know, help me speak to him... which I was going to do then he passed out and the other guys left. I never told him and I haven't seen him until now and he's with you" he sighed.
"I'm sorry for stealing your man" I laughed quietly so Lucy wouldn't wake up, " this PJ really does seem like a great guy, from what both you and Phil have told me"
"Yeah he was... anyway... how did you two meet then? PJ was usually the one who forced him to speak to people"
"Well, this might sound weird but I was his doctor after the incident, I Urm I was the doctor also in charge of PJ but he was in a really bad way. First patient I've ever lost... but me and Phil had this sort of connection and Phil didn't want to live in his old apartment and needed an at home doctor for his condition so I gave him the option to move in with me and he said yes. Then i asked him to be Lucy's second parent and he said yes and we got together aswell but yeah that's it I guess..."
"Oh your a doctor?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"That's just making you even more irresistible" he said leaning in to kiss me and I leant back and pushed him away.
"What are you doing?" I asked, I was quite angry.
"Trying to jump on you, quite obviously, anyway I'll leave you to it" he said and stood up, readjusting his jacket.
"Wait, I can't leave him but can you ask if someone has a blanket for me, I know I'm asking a lot but I'm desperate right now"
"Okay" and he walked up to the bar.
He came back a few minutes later with a blanket.
"Thanks... hey, what's your name?"
"Chris" he smiled and walked away.
I put the blanket over Lucy. A lot of people crowded round us three asking what was wrong. I told them that Phil would be fine and a little about his medical condition.
"Why don't you wake him up?" A man asked.
"I can't, it would be dangerous to do that" I replied.
"Shouldn't he go to hospital?" A woman asked.
"No, they can't do anything, that's a reason why I'm here and live with him."
Then I heard a whisper from behind me. "Dan..."
I turned and saw Phil sitting up, holding his head.
"Can everyone give us some space" I asked the people around me and they all left and sat down at a table.
"How you doing?" I asked Phil while my hand was on his jaw.
"I have a headache, but I'm okay..." he smiled.
"That's good" I smiled back.
"How long was I out?" Phil asked.
"Almost two hours, it's okay though, you were okay..."

The single dad || phan
Fanfiction[completed] Daniel Howell is a single dad of a 6 month old named Lucy. After her mother's death, Dan got left with her, even though he did not know he had a child in the first place. Phil is a patient at the hospital Dan works at...