Dan's POV
I got the milk out of the fridge and went to pour it into the mugs of tea when the doorbell rang. I finished making the tea and put the milk back in the fridge then went to open the door.
"Hey dad"
"Why did you knock...you know you live here, right?" I laughed .
Then I saw Dylan and a boy I didn't know stood next to her.
"Oh who's this?" I questioned .
"I'll explain in a minute, is pa downstairs?"
" Yeah... "
" I need you to sit down... I need to tell you something "
I was so confused. "Okayyyy" I said the then went into the living room and they all followed in.
"Phil... Lucy said she needs to tell us something and Dylan and this other lad are here"
"Oh okay" and I say next to Phil on the sofa. Lucy, Dylan and the other owners stood in front of us and Dylan sat down.
"Okay so... Oh God i didn't plan what to say...well..."
" just tell us " I said to her.
"Just to start... This is jake ... He's my boyfriend"
" oh hi Jake" Phil said.
"Just to start?" I questioned.
She took a deep breath and spoke, "yeah...that isn't really what I need to tell you..." Lucy went pale .
"Luce, whatever it is we won't be mad at you okay?"
" you promise? " she replied.
Both Phil and I nodded.
"The thing is... I lied to you about something... And I was due on my period about two or three days ago... So I took a...urm...test...And it sorta came back positive..."
Oh my God...
"What did you lie about and what test did you take?" Phil asked .
"Well I lied about... Sleeping with someone... And I took a urm pregnancy test" Lucy said looking at the floor.
Then Phil passed out. Kinda expected that one. I just left him to it...He was fine. Hopefully.
"You are saying that you are pregnant?"
she nodded.
"And I'm kinda assuming this is the dad"
Again she nodded. She started to cry. I go up and hugged her.
"Its fine... Okay? It will all be fine..." Then I let her go.
" are you planning on keeping it? "
"Yeah...I want to" she said in sniffles.
"Okay, just you wait me and your pa are gonna be the best granddads ever"
She laughed . "Thank you"
"For what?"
" not freaking out... Even though pa did pass out... Are you gonna wake him up? "
"Yeah I guess" I walked over to Phil and sat next to him and started stroking his head and whispering things to him. He woke up.
"So you're pregnant?" Phil asked.
" this the daddyo? "
Lucy laughed and nodded.
"Come here...Both of you" Phil said with open arms. They both hugged him.
"Listen to me... You are both gonna be the best parents ever. And if you aren't I'll tell Dan to kick you up the ass"
They both laughed.
"Its Jake right?"
" Yeah" he answered.
"Do you want to stay for dinner?"
" Yeah...sure" he smiled.
"Why don't you go let your parents know?"
" there really isn't any point... I don't live with either of them, I have my own house and live on my own"
"Really? Why?" I questioned .
Jake looked at Phil as if he was asking him to tell him.
"He got abused by them both now they are both locked up" Phil replied. I was about to question how he knew that but he literally ran a charity thing for people like that.
"Oh I'm sorry..."
" it's fine... all that's there to hurt me are the scars from it all" he pointed to one that ran down his neck, "and the bad memories" he smiled.

The single dad || phan
Fanfiction[completed] Daniel Howell is a single dad of a 6 month old named Lucy. After her mother's death, Dan got left with her, even though he did not know he had a child in the first place. Phil is a patient at the hospital Dan works at...