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Okay back to normal time now

Dan's POV

Today was the day I met Sarah. After 25 years. We were meeting at Starbucks, the one in the city.

I decided to walk, mainly because Phil took the car to a meeting but I like to believe I am healthy. It takes about half an hour to walk there from my house but I guess I set off earlier than I should have as by the time I got there I still had 15 minutes to wait so I walked around for a bit.

I went into one of the shops and got Phil some new shoes, because the ones he has right now are almost falling apart. That would be a nice surprise.

I looked out of the window awkwardly when I was paying for the shoes and saw what appeared to be Lucy talking with some guy, though I couldn't see him that well.

Wait. Lucy was on a work trip. That must be Sarah. Jeez they do look alike.

The woman passed me the shoes in a bag and shouted for the next customer. As I walked out I kept my eye on the two people outside, then I saw his face. It was Chris. The source of so many things that have gone wrong in my life. Why was he talking to my daughter?

I couldn't exactly tell her to not talk to him, I may be her dad but we haven't even met. I had no authority over her, and it's not like I had anything to say as to why she shouldn't. Other than the few things that have happened that could be taken differently from each side of the story. And maybe he had changed? It has been a while.

So I walked back to the coffee shop and sat down. Within a minute or two Sarah walked into the shop. But she wasn't alone. She was with Chris.

Chris saw me and smiled. Maybe he has changed? I'm not going to bring anything up, I just want to meet my daughter. He doesn't matter right now.

I saw him speak to her and they both walked over. They got to the table. "Hey Sarah, how are you doing?"

"Hi, I'm okay, can I sit down?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course" I smiled. They both sat down.

"I hope you don't mind, but my newly made friend Chris, who I know is friends with you lot, has had his meeting cancelled and I invited him to join us" she said looking between us both.

"It's fine, so what are you up to?" I asked.

We spent a while talking about her university course and where she works and then she had to go to the bathroom. Leaving me and Chris. Alone.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" I questioned Chris.

"Oh, I saw her and I saw an opportunity to mess with your lives more. Granted I thought she was Lucy but she will do." He smirked.

"Why do you want to mess up my life so bad?" I whispered.

"Oh" he laughed. "I don't want to mess up your life, in fact I'd love to take you on a little date and maybe hook up, just because I'm bored. It's that husband of yours."

"What's your problem with Phil? Why did you stab him Chris? Is it because he didn't want you in the past when you liked him or something? Just tell me and we can sort this out" I said, hopeful.

"Oh, I forgot I told you that. I never liked Phil. I absolutely despised him. I still do. You see Danny, Phil ruined PJ's life. I'm not even talking about when he died. I'm talking about the moment he moved in with him. You see, PJ was always in love with your precious Phil, it messed him up. He was never the same after he came into his life. He would always be breaking down on my doorstep because of Phil. But you see Dan, I loved PJ. And I told PJ that I would never forgive Phil for what he did to him. And here we are. I don't break promises Dan. Just like your daughter asked me to stay with her as long as possible, and I promised her I would. I wonder how far I could take it. A relationship? Marriage? Kids? I'm a good actor Dan. And there is not a single thing you could do to stop this plan. Nothing, because I win either way love" he said and wrapped his fingers around my hand. He disgusted me. His words made me ill. I wouldn't let him near Sarah. I wouldn't allow it.

"Now I need to go, and you need to tell Sarah that my meeting is back on and I had to head off. If you don't, and if you tell her, it will just get worse. I've stabbed someone Dan and next time I won't let the person live. Got it? See you later" he said smiling as he walked off.

Then Sarah came back. "Oh, where's Chris?" She said sitting down.

"That meeting got called back on, and he had to rush off" I lied.

"Oh okay, so where were we?"

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