Dylan's POV
Fuck... This was awkward as fuck. It was so ineffable I actually just can't function right now...
I bought the tests... Then I took them home... Then my mum asked what I bought. I said nothing then she took the bag off me and saw that I bought pregnancy tests.
"Oh...I thought you were... You know...gay..." she said. She was so confused.
" Omg mum I am they aren't for my relationship... a friend asked me to buy them for her"
"don't you only have one friend?" Ouch.
" Yeah"
She looked even more shocked this time. "Lucy thinks she's..."
" Yeah... She doesn't want anyone to know so don't talk to her about it"
*end of flashback*
Lucy was meant to be here any time soon. Ding dong. There she is...
She ran up the stairs. Then she burst into my room and closed the door.
"You okay??" I asked. She looked very tired and very stressed.
" I might be fucking preggers do you think I'm okay"
"Fair enough" I passed her the tests .
"Sorry... Thanks" she smiled .
"No problem... Oh and luce... My mum found the tests and figures it out that they were for you..."
" it's fine " Oh my god .
"Do you want me to go with you?" She nodded and we walked into the bathroom .
"You ready?" I questioned .
" will I ever be? " I shrugged and sat on the edge of the bath.
"don't look... Okay..."
" okay " I laughed. "As if I'd want to anyway" and I closed my eyes.
I assume she took the test. She took about a minute. "You can open your eyes now" so I did and she was just say on the floor.
"What do we do now?" . " Wait five minutes"
So we waited about ten to make sure.
Lucy looked at it and I saw tears rolling down her face.
"What does it say?" I asked in a hushed voice. She was shaking but showed it to me. In the middle it said the word ' pregnant' .
I say next to Lucy and held her. "You know, if you keep this baby... you will be the best mum ever" she smiled . "You really think so?" " Yeah" "What am I gonna tell Jack or my parents?" " the truth I guess, do you wanna tell Jack now?I know where he lives"
She nodded so we walked downstairs and my mum say Lucy's red eyes and face. "Oh hun... It will be okay" and she hugged her.
She just smiled.We drive to Jack's house in silence and I knocked on for her. He answered. "Hey..." Then he say Lucy. " oh hi Lucy, why you here? Not that I don't want you here but you know... "
She sighed. "I need to tell you something... In private..."
" oh okay... Come on then... " he said as he opened the door and we walked in and sat down.
"So... Wassup?" He asked .
"I'm pregnant" Lucy just said . Jack went so pale.
" Yeah... Oh... What you wanna do with it? "
"Erm...I would want to keep it but it's up to you entirely. You are the one who has to birth it so... Surely it should be your decision. " then Lucy Dan up to him and hugged him. He looked shocked but happy with her in his arms.
"Hey luce?" He asked , still with her in his arms.
"I've been wanting to ask this for so long but now kinda feels like the right time but will you give me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
She pulled away slightly to look at him. "Okay" she smiled. "Okay...now let's go to my house... You can meet my dads... And tell them about the situation. Warning the house is a mess, we just had to get a lift installed because of the whole my pa being paralysed now thing"
" oh okay... They won't murder me right? "
She shrugged. "No clue" then I drive us all there.

The single dad || phan
Fanfikce[completed] Daniel Howell is a single dad of a 6 month old named Lucy. After her mother's death, Dan got left with her, even though he did not know he had a child in the first place. Phil is a patient at the hospital Dan works at...