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I got Phil a drink of coke from the bar, you know, because it's important to stay hydrated.

He was back to normal now but everyone was still worried about him.

I walked up to him and passed him the drink and sat next to him. He took a sip.

"Do you want to know what happened?" Phil asked.

"Oh, yeah... sure" I replied.

"I was happy... so goddamn happy... just seeing Lucy... I don't know but it this all made it feel more real in a way, like I was in some sort of haze before and I was just so happy that I finally have a family that I love and they love me, well hopefully at least." Phil laughed at the last part.

"You know I love you you spork, come here" I said putting my arms around Phil.

"You know, I'm so glad you came into me life" I said with my head nuzzled in his shoulder.

"You're gonna make me cry Dan stop it" Phil whined.

"You know you love it" I laughed into his shoulder. I ended the hug. "You ready to go socialise with people you know that I do not?" I asked Phil.

"Urggggh fine" Phil answered and I stood up and pulled him up.

Phil picked up Lucy gently.

"You sure you are okay now?" I asked.

"Positive" he smiled.

"Okay, socialisation how fun!" I said sarcastically. Phil just laughed.

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