Part 3

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As Sasuke started going up the stairs to his parent's room. He is scared of what he might see. He doesn't want the same thing that happens to y/n parents happen to his. As he turned around he can still see y/n crying in the dark so he grabbed her hand and gave it squeeze to make her feel a little safe. While they were heading to the room. When they went into the room.

They stared wide-eyed at his parents dead, lifeless bodies lying on the floor. As Itachi walked in, they looked up at Itachi for a sense of safety.

Third Pov

"Brother Itachi, My mom ..... father there," y/n said. She couldn't finish her sentence because she was crying too much.

"Nii-San, mother .... father they're .." Then he saw the blood-stained katana Itachi was holding. He tapped y/n on the shoulder and pointed to Itachi.

"Brother, why?" They said at the same time sobbing silently

" I did it to test the limit of my power," Itachi said harshly.

"You both are not worth killing foolish little kids, so clench your worthless life and run, run like the coward you guys are and when you have these eyes..." He activated his Mangekyo Sharingan" ... come and try to defeat me" with that said he showed both of them the memories of him slaughtering the entire clan except y/n and Sasuke. At that very moment, y/n have awaked the Sharingan but Itachi didn't notice. After Sasuke and y/n witnessed their parents and whole clan being murdered. They both passed out on the ground. 

" Take good care of each other, I love you both" he whispered to them then left the village and met up with a masked man, with unnoticeable tears still in his eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" The masked man asked.

"Hn" was the only answer man got and they left.

Itachi would never be able to show his face in the Hidden Leaf Village with pride and passion ever again.

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