Part 88

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"I could tell that from your looks," Sakura said Well we can say the same for you Sakura she lucky I'm in pain. I can't say anything hurries up and go away. But then me and Sasuke scream at the same time because it was getting worse by the minute. If I get up and heal Sasuke it will stop. I started tugging harder to get up. I crawled over Sasuke as I got close to him my hand turns green but before I can touch Sasuke Naruto yelled

"We're going to run, everyone," Naruto yelled

I turned my head and see Gaara jumping at us. Its still hard for me to move, I can't jump out the way or punch him.

"Die, Uchiha's," Gaara yelled.

I covered Sasuke waiting for the hit but it never came. I look up I see Sakura jumped in front of us.

"Get out my way," Gaara yelled as he hit Sakura with sand into a tree. She hit the tree and fainted. Naruto jumped down and grabbed me and Sasuke moved us out the way before I was able to move now I'm back to be stuck.

"Damn it, Damn it what should I do," Naruto said Gaara was holding on to his head in pain. While me and Sasuke were fighting to move.

"What wrong I thought you was going to run," Gaara said

"Sasuke-kun, Naruto, y/n," Sakura whispered wait did she say my name.

"These three, what are they to you," Gaara said

"They're my friends, I dare you to hurt them anymore, I'll beat you up," Naruto said Gaara squeezed Sakura as she screams.

"What wrong, I thought you going to beat me up, Come," Gaara said

"Damn it," Naruto yelled as he jumped to Gaara. He tried to punch him but Gaara tail hit him back. Come on body move. Gaara started laughing.

"So you fight for another, Thats why you guys are so weak, you dont need a reason to fight," Gaara said. Come on body move I want to punch him down.

"Only the winner can feel the value of existence, Now forget about your stupid friends and fight only for yourself," Gaara said

"Stupid .. Friends," Naruto said with his fist tight together.

"People who bring unnecessary emotions into battle should just die," Gaara said

"You keep saying what you want I swear I'll beat you up!" Naruto said

"You guys do not know the true meaning of being strong," Gaara said

"Shut up," Naruto yelled as he jumped at Garra with a kunai. Garra held onto his head again in pain. Gaara slapped Naruto with his tail.

"What's wrong? Come, you dont care what happens to your important friend? Gaara said as he squeezed Sakura more.

"Sakura-chan, Damn it," Naruto yelled. Naruto not acting like himself. I think Sasuke thinking the same thing I am. Then Naruto made a hand sign to Summon technique but it was a small frog.

"What the? Its just a little squirt, If you want something give me a snack, Otherwise I wont play with you," The frog said

"You know something, I hate you frogs," Naruto yelled

"What'd you say? You better not disrespect amphibians!," The frog said

"Actually I have no time to play with you, squirt," Naruto said

"Everyone, Don't make me laugh, I fight only for myself," Garra said as he started transforming more.

"The sand on this woman won't be released until you defeat me. Not only that the sand will constrict her tighter as time passes by and will eventually kill her," Garra said

"Sand Shuriken," Garra yelled as sand was flying towards Naruto. Naruto picked the frog up and jumped out the way but hit his back on a tree.

"You are weak," The frog said

"Shut up," Naruto said

"But who is that," the frog said. Soon Naruto froze looking at Gaara. What is he doing? I cough blood because the pain was getting worst to ignore.

"What's wrong are you afraid of me? Are you going to fight for yourself, or fight for another, Just love yourself and fight, fight only for yourself, this is what makes a strong person strong, Now fight me, what happen to that spirit, show me your power I will crush it" Gaara said. Naruto started to shake.

"Whats wrong if you dont fight me I'll kill this woman," Gaara said

"Damn it," Naruto yelled as he jumped towards Gaara. Naruto made hand signs.

"Mass shadow Replication," as a lot of clones appeared going towards Garra. Gaara started sucking in sand while it was mouth all over the body.

"Mugen Sajin Daitoppa," Gaara said as sand comes out his mouth and took out all of Naruto's clones.

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