Part 33

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Me and Kakashi were fighting Zabuza together. We were moving so fast that people that are ninja can't see we were doing really well till I heard Sasuke scream I turned my head to see what's going on but I got a punch in the face. I wiped the blood off my mouth as I look at Kakashi and gave him a nod. Kakashi started fighting Zabuza distracting him from me while I jump over Zabuza and slid into the ice prison where Sasuke was. When I enter I noticed that Sasuke has a few needles stuck on him.

"Sasuke," I said as he turns to me with wide eyes

"y/n how you get in here," He said

"Kakashi distracted Zabuza while I slid into here," I said He nodded while he turned his head back to Haku. He started using his fireball jutsu on the mirrors. I noticed they weren't meltings.

"Forget it, I already told you to need a lot more fire to melt this ice," Haku said

"My turn" Haku threw his needles puncturing me and Sasuke. Me and Sasuke were using are kunai's to block them but I didn't end up blocking all of them so one hit my arm and it went stiff.

"Sasuke I can't move my arm what happens," I said

"I don't know I can still move my arm fine," Sasuke said

"I put a little bit of poison on the one I hit you with because I know how strong you are so it is easy to get you out the way I know you can't do hand signs with one hand," Haku said I glared at him with anger in my eyes trying to get feeling back in my arm. I was using my healing jutsu to take the poison I was able to take it out but it took lots of chakra out of me because I don't know how to master healing. I have to wait cause I can't make hand signs. Til my chakra come back.

Senbon needles were thrown at us again and we were constantly being grazed by one. I can't even see which mirror it came from with a Sharingan activated. I saw a lot of senbon needles coming towards Sasuke so I tackled him out the way. Pain shot thru my body. My eyes started to close.

What do I do? Am I just giving up what about my revenge?

My eyes snapped open I punched Haku in the face before he went to the next mirror it made a crack in his mask. He flew into the mirror and it cracked. He jumped into another mirror before I was able to grab him. He threw more senbon needles. Sasuke grabbed me before it hit me.

"Y/n stay by my side okay? Don't try to do stuff like that again." He grabbed my hand and we were back to back. He still had a hold of my hand, as we look at each other with a smirk.

More senbon needles launched. I took a deep breath. I had to do it. So with everything, I could muster I created a mud wall around us to protect us from the senbon needles were bouncing off. Cold sweat dripped from my forehead. "That was a tough call," I muttered, panting a bit.

Sasuke looked at me worriedly before picking me up and jumping away from another barrage of sebon needles.

Are you kidding me? How many senbon needles does he have?

Sakura tried to throw us a kunai, but it was caught by Haku. I just rolled my eyes at that. By now Sasuke and I were bloody and beaten pretty bad. I don't know how long we could last. Haku peeked from his mirror and peered at us. Before he could throw more senbon needles, a shuriken came out of nowhere and knocked Haku out of the mirror.

I blinked at. Where did it- I stopped when I saw a certain idiot


"Number one, hyperactive, knucklehead ninja." Haku stated. There stood Naruto, grin plastered on his face.

"Naruto Uzumaki is here! Yeah, believe it!"

He started yelling about heros and stuff as Sasuke and I sweat drop at what he was saying. But before any of us can go help him Zabuza threw shuriken his way before he could conjure up clones.


Before the shuriken could hit him, senbon needles clashed against them, stopping them from coming our way.

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