Part 51

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Sasuke finally put me down

We smirked at Kiba and said at the same time

"Kiba, careful you don't get overconfident." We said

"Just wait. We're going to blow you guys away. We've been training like crazy."

"What do you think we've been doing? Sitting around picking daisies? You don't know what training means," Naruto shouted

I just rolled my eyes at what he said.

Shino stopped Choji from stepping on a bug. "Hey, you guys." We looked to see a guy with silver hair walk our way. He wore a lot of purple and glasses.

"You might try keeping it down a little. I mean, no offense, but you're the ten rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves. Just cool it. This isn't a class field trip."

"Well, who asked you? Who are you anyway? Ino asked The guy smirked. I'm Kabuto Yakushi. But really, look around you

We did so. And all the other examinees were glaring at us. I glared at them back some of them turn away. Naruto, of course, said something stupid and Sakura being scared was quick to tell him to be quiet.

Sakura asked if this was his first time. " No, it's ... my seventh." A laugh escaped me, and I slapped my hands over my mouth to stop my other laughs from escaping. Everyone looks at me some of them was surprised because they never heard me laugh. It was hard to keep my laughter in. Sasuke put a hand over my mouth. It helps me to stop laughing. Kabuto pulled out something he calls ninja info cards. If you ask me Ik I will be the one to annoy him.

Then Sasuke asked about individual info. I was interested in to.

Gaara of the desert and Rock Lee of the leaf while you're at it."

"Man, that's no fun you even know their names. That makes it easy," Kabuto said

"Hurry up," I said he gave me an annoyed look but continued away he swiped his hand over the deck of cards twice and pulled out two. Me and Sasuke became serious. He pulled out Lee's first

"Looks like he's about a year older than you guys. Mission experience 11 C-ranked and 20 D-ranked. His squad leader is Guy and in the last twelve months, his taijutsu has radically improved. But his other skills are pretty shaky."

"Last year he got a lot of attention as a genin but for some reason, he chose to not participate in the chunin exam. This'll be his first time as a candidate just like you guys. His teammates are Ten-Ten and Neji Hyuga."

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