Part 172

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"The scent stops here," Kakashi said

"What does that mean?!" Naruto said

"Usually in a situation like this, either Sasuke and Y/n was blasted to bits by the explosion or they used the Transportation Technique to escape," Yamato said

"Transportation Technique?" Naruto said

"Its probably the latter my sense of smell is keener than a dog right now. I've found Sasuke and Y/n!" Kiba said

"Kiba lead the way!" Naruto said

Y/n Pov

Suigetsu had Sasuke arm around his shoulder helping him walk as Jugo lifted me up and put me over his shoulder.

"Oww," I said

"Sorry," Jugo said as we walked to Inn Okoshi as Jugo was bandaging Sasuke as Karin already did mine as Sasuke glared at the guys to not look at me and made Karin do it. As I was laying down on the left of Sasuke as Sasuke was sitting up with Jugo finishing his bandage. I was staring at the ceiling.

"Hah You both talked about killing Itachi you both won't be able to move around for some time in that condition! Even with that healing ability Y/n," Karin said as I rolled my eyes

'We've been moving nonstop lately. It's a good chance to rest up," Suigetsu said

"All you've done is rest you feeble punk!" Karin said

"Karin Shut up," I said as I was trying to keep my eyes open

"There finished," Jugo said

"You didn't do a thing at the northern hideout, so don't start telling me what to do now," Suigetsu said

"What?! Wanna make something of it?! Then lets do it!" Karin said

"Enough already! Suigetsu, Karin Have you gathered data on Itachi?" Sasuke said

"You're in no shape to act so bossy!" Karin said as I groaned will she ever shut up.

"I picked up some tips about Akatsuki, but nothing specific about Itachi himself," Suigetsu said

"I got zero," Karin said

"Seems they're targeting specific people though, People with special chakra," Suigetsu said

"Special Chakra," Sasuke said

"Naruto," I said as Sasuke looked at me

"I did some talking to animals and located a number of Akatsuki hideouts. It seems they always sense a powerful unpleasant chakra around each area. That's what the animals have told me," Jugo said

"Wow even simpleminded animals can sense chakra, eh? or maybe its because they're simpleminded just like you Karin!" Suigetsu said Oh here they go again as Karin kicked Suigetsu head.

"What did you say, you jerk?!" Karin said as I felt Jugo chakra spike.

"Sasuke, Jugo" I said

"Suigetsu! This time, youre not getting away with it!" Karin said

"Hey wait hey!," Suigetsu said

"Kill I want to kill," Jugo said

"Huh," Karin and Suigetsu said as Jugo was getting angry as Suigetsu and Karin held him down as I forced myself up.

"Shoot! Jugo's killing impulse is loose!" Karin said

"Y/n Sasuke Hurry it," Suigetsu said

"Calm down Jugo," I said using my Sharingan which was very difficult as Jugo calmed down as the clasped on the fllor.

"This is what happens when you idiots keep fight it works Jugo up," I said

"Sorry," Jugo said as I fell back falling asleep as Sasuke was still sitting up sleep. As Jugo placed Sasuke down as Sasuke put his arms around me as Jugo pulled up the sheet.

"Its your fault Karin Screaming and making such a fuss," Suigetsu said

"What? You too," Karin said

"You constantly try to provoke me, Karin. What are you up to? I've already told you. I don't intend to leave both of them for my own reasons," Suigetsu said

"Im not up to anything. Im just trying to test your," Karin said

"I need Sasuke and Y/n. The only two who can replace Kimimaro is these two. Y/n said she would become my cage. Right now only Sasuke and Y/n can stop my urges, like he did earlier," Jugo said

"Still I dont know about her, but our cages are unlocked. We can escape anytime we wish and yet," Suigetsu said as he looked at me and Sasuke sleeping.

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