Part 14

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I finally appear but I'm behind the old man with a kunai at his throat. Everyone gulped when they saw the deadly look in my eye they tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.

"Now what you say, old man, because I can kill you right now if I want to," I said

The old man started to shake in fear but while I was looking at him I didn't notice Sasuke was sneaking up behind me until he tackled me off the old man and held me on the ground until I calmed down but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

"Good job Sasuke," said Kakashi

"Sasuke gets off me now before I throw you off," I said.

"I want to see you try you know I'm stronger than you, you just know more Jutsu then I do," said Sasuke.


y/n got more mad you can feel it all around the room.

"SHUT UP SAKURA," Everyone yelled in the room.

Sakura was depressed that everyone yelled at her so she stopped talking. Y/n was still trying to get Sasuke off her but everyone attention went to the old man because they know y/n can't move.

"I'm Tazuna a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge that will change our country. And I expect you to get me there safely."He finished his sentence and bottle.

"Alright guys meet up at the gate in an hour," said Kakashi

Before everyone left everyone noticed that there wasn't any yelling so they all turned their head and noticed y/n was sleep under Sasuke. She looked so peaceful.

" I guess she got tired from all that yelling," said Kakashi

" I kind of like her like this can she stay like that," said Tazuna

" For now yes she can, for the mission no we would need her, Sasuke are you able to carry her," said Kakashi

"Yeah," Sasuke said

Sasuke picked me up to bring us to our house. When we enter the house Sasuke placed me on the bed while he packed the bags. He didn't want to wake her up because he knew she would be in a bad mood and try to kill him so he will just let her sleep.

After 1 hour at the village gate while y/n still sleep.

"Sasuke why you didn't wake y/n up yet," said Kakashi

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