Part 28

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For the rest of the day I went outside to learn the new scroll it was a wind style it took me all day to finish it while Sasuke and Naruto was still trying to climb tree with no hands.

I walked back to Tazuna's house, completely out of energy. I walk up to the table and plopped my head down.

"y/n what happened to you?" Kakashi said

"Training... *Heavily breathing* that's what happened" I rubbed my eyes

"Just in time for dinner," Tsunmai said placing my food down

Naruto and Sasuke started to devour their food I can only watch an eating contest.

"I want more!" The boys raised up their plates, glared at each other before throwing up their food

"Can both of you stop eating up your food like that! It's disgusting!" Sakura yelled

Sakura mentioned the picture on the wall it was guy cut out. I just shook my head because she should have stayed quiet.

"That my husband," Tsunami said

"They used to call him a hero in this land," Tazuna started

Well the Inari left and his mom followed after. " Father you can't talk about him like that in front of Inari, you know that!"

"Great job Sakura." I muttered as she look at me with a glare. Tazuna sighed."It's not her fault. She was just curious and Inari needs to get over it. He wasn't Inari's real father but he brought happiness to this family."

So did Inari know his real father? He and Inari were very close. In those days, Inari used to laugh all the time. But then.." His fists clenched and he shook with anger or sadness. Maybe even both.

Tears leaked out of his eyes. " All that ended. He never laughs or smiles anymore. Ever since the day everything changed. The word courage was stolen from this island."

I listened as he told us about his father and him being a hero. He had saved Inari from drowning.

After the story ended, the others were more empathetic. Some reason I wasn't. Maybe because Inari still have parts of his family while me and Sasuke have nobody except each other. Sure he lost him, but he had others.

I ate some more. Naruto got up and left. " I'll prove that it's true. That in this world there are real heroes!" I Just stared at him as he left the house with a determined look on his face. After I went upstairs I snuck out and the rest of the night I trained without stopping to perfect everything I know.

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