Part 24

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The next morning. I flutter both my eyes open as I felt arms wrapped around me. I looked at my side and saw Sasuke hugging me in his sleep.  I looked around the room and see that its morning by looking at the window.

"Sasuke ... Please wake up," I whispered slightly shaking him, causing him to hug me tighter. I was as red as a tomato now.

"Sasuke !!! WAKE UP NOW," I yelled Sasuke jumped up and looked around and finally looked down noticing that he had his arm wrapped around me. He finally let go of me and turn away blushing.

"Good morning," Sasuke said as his face is still turned away

"Morning," as my face was cooling down.

"Y/n you need to stop walking in your sleep," Sasuke said

"I wasn't walking in my sleep," I said

"You was in your own bed last night now you are in mine," Sasuke said

"Shut up, let's get dress and go downstairs get breakfast," I said

Me and Sasuke got dressed and started walking down the steps to the kitchen everyone were there. Everyone said good morning while we gave them a nod. We sat down and started eating our breakfast. While I feel someone glaring at me. I looked up and see Sakura glaring at me.

"You got a problem Sakura," I asked 

"Yes, I do why do Sasuke pay attention to you, you're a nobody he might only be paying attention to you cause you're an Uchiha," Sakura said everyone in the room became quiet 

"Sakura nobody wants a stalker and me and Sasuke was friends since we were two we did everything together so shut up Sasuke don't want you," I said

Sakura was so mad she stood up and slapped me across my face. I was so mad I was really going to kill her.

"That's it you're going down," I said

Before I can reach her Kakashi sensei stood in front of her as Sasuke grabbed me and put me on his shoulder for me not to move I was punching and screaming trying to get down but he won't put me down.

"Y/n calm down we don't want to kill our teammate," Kakashi said

" Forget teamwork she slapped me nobody touches me unless I give them permission to so I'm killing her that's final," I said

"y/n you're heavier then you are before it feels like my shoulders braking what is that," Sasuke asked trying to get her mind of killing Sakura

"Its weight's I bought at a market that's why it took me so long to get to the house, I got their heaviest weight," I said

"Let's go outside," Kakashi said We all went out through the forest stopped in a specific spot with me still on Sasuke shoulder

"Alright! Today We'll Climb Trees," Kakashi cheered

"That's too easy!" Naruto screamed

"Without Hands," Kakashi added then concentrated his chakra underneath his feet.

"Allow me to demonstrate," He smiled then started walking up the tree.

"Focus your chakra beneath your feet, don't lose concentration, you are learning chakra control," Kakashi explained then walked down throw four kunai to us.

"Alright! I'll do this and be Hokage!"Naruto cheered

I turned to Sasuke and whispered in his ear "Can you put me down now," I asked

"Are you still trying to kill her," He said

"I'm not in the mood anymore I want to train so let me go," I said

"Fine," He said

"Kakashi Sensei is it fine to put her down because she still might kill Sakura-chan," Naruto asked

"I can take care of myself she weak," Sakura said

My eye starts twitching but Sasuke gave me that look tells me not to move.

"She fine ok anyway those kunai I threw at you guys are for you to mark your tree on how far you go," Kakashi said

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