Part 37

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He was holding back. "Come on we need to team up." Sasuke said. I grumbled and slowly stood.

Haku kept on throwing needles from different mirrors. I was started to able to see them because my Sharingan was coming back. Sasuke was easily deflecting them and moving me away from some that I couldn't avoid. His eyes are adjusted to Haku now.

I glanced at every mirror. Standing a little away from Sasuke. "what are you doing?!" he asked.

"Don't worry about me. I can manage." I said

He glared at me for a millisecond. " Don't be ridiculous!" I rolled my eyes and put up my fists. Haku laughed and we looked at the mirror above. Sasuke threw a few needles. However, Haku switched mirrors.

He kept on throwing needles and then moving mirrors. Where is he going to strike?

Suddenly Sasuke ran to me. He picked me up bridal style and jumped high. At that moment my Sharingan came back. Needles struck where I once stood.

I looked over to Sasuke and my eyes widened. He finally unlocked his Sharingan. Now we both have it.

"Sasuke?" I whispered.

" It looks like I unlocked my Sharingan and yours came back at that moment now it is easier to track down Haku," He said as he set me down.

I looked at Sasuke seeing how strong he became forgetting that we was in a battle. Sasuke's eyes widened and he turned toward me and began running. Why does he look so frantic?

"Y/n behind you!" Sasuke yelled

I turned my head to see needles coming my way. My own eyes widened, Needles. Damn! I lost focus! There was so many even with my Sharingan I won't survive avoiding them. I put my arms in front of my face and top of my chest.

The pain never came. What? I looked in front of me and I stopped breathing. " S... Sas... uke?" I whispered.

Haku was on the floor, but Sasuke had a lot of needles in him. And he was bleeding badly. He looked back at me with relief.

A few tears left my eyes." Why?" I whispered. He smiled. "Remember what I said when we were younger." He fell back and I caught him. Scenes of us when we were kids training together going to each other house playing.

-flashback when they were kids-

We were watching Itachi training when he threw his kunai to hit every target. 

Sasuke wanted to show Itachi what he can do but he ended up hurting his ankle.

So we were walking to Sasuke house but we ended up walking past the police building 

"Itachi that was fun will you train with me again sometimes," Sasuke said

"Sure," Itachi said

"It was fun even though you hurt yourself," I said

"Shut up y/n," Sasuke said pouting

"But I  going to be assign missions soon and starting tomorrow you and Sasuke will be attending the ninja academy

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"But I  going to be assign missions soon and starting tomorrow you and Sasuke will be attending the ninja academy. So we aren't going to have that much free time anymore." Itachi said

"That's ok Itachi," I said with a smile

"Yeah that's ok as long as you spend time with us once in a while," Sasuke said

"Sure will," Itachi said

"When you spend time with us I'm going to train hard so I can protect y/n and protect the village like you do big brother," Sasuke said

As we walked home with smiles on our faces.

-flashback End-

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