Part 63

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"Oh no, Dosu. There's no way he can break his fall," Zaku murmur. Zaku performs some hand signs.

"Take this! Primary Lotus!" Lee began spinning with Dosu extremely fast.

Zaku stuck his hands in the ground and dust filled the air. Dosu was sticking out of the ground. But the ground wasn't solid.

"What?!" This cannot be!" Lee exclaimed. Dosu grunted and shook the dirt off his head.

"That's one frightening jutsu. It nearly took me out though I landed on this soft dirt," Dosu said

Dosu held up his right arm with the werid metal thing and pulled the sleeve. "Now it's my turn," Dosu said

"Lee!" Sakura yelled

"I will not abandon Sakura," Lee said Dosu ran as if he was going to just punch. So Lee moved back to dodge it but something came out the metal. It affected Lee.

"Your jutsu is fast, but ours is even faster because it travels at the speed of sound," Dosu said. Lee just stood there not moving then he fell to his knees.

"Effort by itself does nothing. Now watch. We're going to show you something called the wall," Dosu said as Zaku and the girl smirked.

Lee was struggling. He bent over and threw up.

"Lee what's wrong?!" Sakura said worriedly. Blood was coming out of Lees' ear. He held his ear and grunted in pain.

"Oh I forgot to mention this little gadget I wear. You might be able to dodge my blows, but you can't get away from it," Dosu laughed.

"What," Sakura said

"I don't need to strike you with my fists. I can hit you with the power of sound, What makes it possible for the ear to hear things? What is sound really?," Dosu said

"Vibrations," Sakura said

"Give the little lady a prize. Yes, the Vibrations of molecules in the air create a sound wave. These vibrations are collected by the ear. Then directed through the outer ear canal to the ear drum. The rest they say is anatomy," Dosu said while laughing

Then Dosu look to Lee "Feeling a little dizzy, nauseous? That right, best that you don't even try to stand up for a while," Dosu ended

But Zaku continued. "You see buddy that old fashioned taijutsu stuff won't work against us. Not that you're not pretty good at it, but what's the point/ Compared to our jutsu, that stuff is yesterday's news." 

Sakura was started getting scared. "See I can manipulate ultrasonic waves and air pressure. I can do things you've never even dreamed of. I can obliterate boulders or make the ground itself as soft as a feather cushion. Face it, little man, you're up against the jutsu of the future," Zaku said as he showed his palms of his hands where the holes are.

"Now then little girl, it's your turn!" Dosu said as he ran at Sakura.

"No!" Lee shouted.

However, before he got to Sakura Lee ran to Sakura. "No! Leaf Hurricane-ah!" He froze in his kick. Dosu jumped over his leg and chuckled. "Not as effective as it was before is it," Dosu said.

"Still it's impressive you can move at all. We'll have to do something about that!" It looked like he was going to punch Lee. But he messed up Lee ears more.

"You hear that? This device amplifies the vibrations of the impact transforming them into a wave of sound," Dosu said.

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