Part 30

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"Why do I need to hide I'm way strong then she is, If her parents were still here maybe she will be really strong," Sakura said that was the last straw I disappeared from Kakashi arms and reappear in front of her I punch her so hard she landed outside with my Sharingan activated ready to kill her with tears in my eyes. But before I can put a hand on her Sasuke grab me from behind I was able to move. He picked me up and ran in the forest for me to calm down. I look at with glare if looks could kill he would be six feet under.

"y/n you need to calm down," Sasuke said

"Why should I you heard what she said," I said

"Ik what she said but you can't kill her you got a hit that's all you need," Sasuke said as he walks closer to me slowly as I still glare at him

"So breath and calm down," Sasuke said as he grabs me into a hug as I calm down. I finally started calming down and cried in his arms.

"Is it true if my parents were still here I will be strong," I said

"Don't listen to her you are strong with or without your parents but remember you did this by yourself you don't need no one else.

Third Pov

y/n continued to cry but ended up falling asleep on Sasuke. He picked her up after whipping the tears off her face so people don't notice she was crying. He walked into the house while everyone was in the dining room. Sakura had an ice pack on her face as she glared toward y/n. Kakashi walked up to Sasuke

"How is she," Kakashi said

"She just went to sleep, she should be calm in the morning Im taking her to the room," Sasuke said

But at that moment y/n woke up and looked around to see where she is. She jumped out off Sasuke arms not saying anything.


Kakashi was confused while y/n look at him plainly still not saying anything.

"What do you mean," Kakashi asked

"She's trying to go mute again," Sasuke said Kakashi turned to y/n

"Is this true," Kakashi ask

She turned her head away not saying anything. Sasuke ran up to her shaking her

"You can't shut yourself off again because of what Sakura said," Sasuke said

"Sasuke right look how far you became because you worked hard for it so don't go quiet cause someone said something," Kakashi said

y/n just turned away sit down at the table so she can eat while naruto look dead because he used to much chakra."But why?"

y/n Pov

We all looked at Inari who slammed his hands on the table. " All this stupid training is just a waste of time! Gato's got a whole army! They'll beat you down and destroy you! These cool things you all say they don't mean anything. No matter what you do, the strong always win and the weak always lose."

I grit my teeth. This kid. He pisses me off. So much why is everyone trying to get me mad?

"Just speak for yourself. It won't be like that for me you that?" Naruto responded

"Why don't you be quiet?! Just look at you makes me sick! You don't know anything about this country, you're just butting in! ALways laughing and playing around! You don't know what it's like to suffer and be treated like dirt!"

I clenched my hands and let my bangs cover my eyes. He really pisses me off! I shook with rage at the boys words. As Sasuke noticed as he started walking to me slowly to make sure I dont attack Inari.

"Listen to yourself whining and complaining like some sorry little victim! You can whimper all day for all I care. You're nothing but a coward!" Naruto shouted back, making the boy freeze back.

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