Part 95

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"Damn you!" Sasuke grunted as Itachi stopped trying to obstruct him.

"You're in the way," Itachi said and snapped Sasuke's wrist.

"Sasuke!" Naruto and I yelled

"Ah!" Sasuke wailed as he cradled his broken wrist. We trained for this am I still weak.

"Lightning style: Black Panther," I said as Lightning head towards Itachi I trained so much on this I'm able to control it. Itachi was prepared he threw Sasuke to the side as he jumped out the way the last second.

"Damn it," I said. I dont care if I destroy this building.

"Water style: water dragon jutsu," I said making the hand signs

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu," Itachi said

The water and fire crashed into each other and made steam. I looked around to see if I can sense you. Then I felt a kunai on my neck.

"You have gotten stronger but not strong enough," Itachi said

"Y/n" Naruto yelled. I kicked back and hit Itachi on the chin but he poofed. Damn it was shadow clone where is he. Then I felt a punch in my stomach and heard a crack he broke one of my ribs. I hit the wall as blood dripped out my mouth.

"Y/n damn it," Sasuke said. The smoke cleared up.

I was holding on to my side trying to catch my breath. In the corner of my eye I see Kisame trying to hit Naruto with his sword but a frog suddenly appeared in front of Naruto.

"You don't seem to know very much of me. I'm better at getting girls than they are trying to get me.. even though it doesn't look like it. It's my specialty," came a low and rather wonky voice.

I try to look up to see where the voice was coming from but it was a little difficult because of the pain in my rib. I was able to finally look up I see a man with long, white hair and red marking around his eyes and down his face. He had a curious headband on and he was quite tall. He also had an unconscious woman slung over his shoulder.

Naruto sighed heavily, "We're saved," He panted.

" I, Jiraiya, this epitome of manliness! I will fall for no woman's feminine wiles! When you are someone like me, you'll only have to flash that sexiness to have women fall at your feet!" Jiraiya said.

Naruto decided to burst out now, "Yeah right! All that girl did was a wink at you and you scampered after her! Now you're trying to look all cool and awesome! Not happening, Perverted Hermit!" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Hey! I told you to stop calling me that in front of other people!" the old man whined

"Screw that!We should be worrying about those guys over there, Pervy Sage!" Naruto said.

Kisame decided to join in the conversation, "Hm, well, well, well, well, so you are one of the three Legendary Sannin, the great Jiraiya? I heard that you like beautiful woman but I never thought that such a simple trick could lure you away and stall you so easily," Je smirked

"What? You guys know the Pervy Sage's real identity?!" Naruto exclaimed, obviously not expecting that

"Well, I wouldn't call it a real identity..." Jiraiya contradicted, scratching his head.

"It seems that you have released the woman from the genjutsu that was binding her," Itachi mumbled.

Jiraiya set the lady down, propping her up against the wall, "To lure me away, you used Sharingan on her... quite cowardly if you want my opinion," Jiraiya stood up, I could see that his face was serious now.

"So you really are after Naruto," He noted

Naruto was frozen, he looked afraid. Sasuke's face was dominated by a painfully angry expression while I was glaring trying to stand up.

"No wonder Kakashi knew as well, you were his little bird," Itachi narrowed his eyes. Jiraiya stayed quiet. I was trying to stand up but it was getting difficult.

Itachi look at me curiously but then turned his attention back to Jiraiya, "Hm...' abduct Naruto'... those were our orders from the higher ranked people of our organization, Akatsuki," He explained.

The summoned frog disappeared in a poof of smoke and Kisame's sword came to a rest on the ground in front of Naruto.

"You won't get Naruto," Jiraiya said firmly.

"And Why not?" Itachi questioned.

"Because... right now, right here ... you two will die by my hand," Jiraiya vowed.

"NOOO," I yelled as I glared at him. Me and Sasuke stood up.

"Hes our's," Sasuke claimed.

"Oh ho ho, Itachi, I never knew you were so popular," Kisame clucked his tongue.

Itachi ignored him but spoke to Sasuke and I instead, "I have absolutely no interest in the both of you right now," he said dismissively

Itachi walked over to us, moving slowly as Sasuke stood in front of me as I try to stand up.

"Come on!" Sasuke thundered. I made hand signs trying to heal my rib while Sasuke stood in front.

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