Part 112

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"It couldn't be helped, If we fight in Stage Two, we consume a lot of energy," Tayuya said

"What's bad is that we can't use our bodies for a while," Jirobo said

"It couldn't be helped fighting two Jounins if we held back we would have lost," Kidomaru said. Naruto and the rest was huddle up in a small circle.

"Now then, let's split up,"Shikamaru said. Everyone nodded as they walked off. Everyone was walking but they didn't notice the spiderwebs that are signaling Kidomaru that it is intruders. 

"Looks like they haven't noticed yet, Huh I don't see Sasuke and y/n," Shikamaru said as he looked to his left to see Neji using his Byakugan.

"Looks like there in the Barrel," Neji said

"Are they dead," Shikamaru said

"There a barrier around the barrel, I can't see through it, Since they want both of them, they wouldn't kill them," Neji said

"That's true," Shikamaru said as he looks back at the sound four.

Then Sakon turned around and threw a kunai at Shikamaru and Neji as it passes by there heads it was paper bombs attach to the kunai. Neji and Shikamaru panicked as they jumped away. The paper bomb made a big explosion. As it threw Shikamaru and Neji towards the sound four. 

"what's this, I just tried throwing the knife and found two bugs instead of a snake," Sakon said

"Hold on Wait, we didn't come here to fight, We just came to negotiate,"  Shikamaru said

"Then what are these,"  Kidomaru said as he lifted up his hands and pull these strings soon Naruto and the rest got pulled out. Kiba flipped in the air and threw a smoke bomb.

" And what's the meaning of the smoke bomb, there's no way you can get away from me, these strings are thinner, yet stronger then wires, so you can barely see them, my strings are laid all around the area," Kidomaru said

"Damn it," Naruto said

"The two wire traps were set like that on purpose so it was a triple trap, you got me, We didn't think you had someone with such technique," Shikamaru said

"I'll get you guys, What the? My body," Kidomaru said

"Nicely done, Kiba Shikamaru!," Naruto said

"But I have this technique," Shikamaru said as the sound four is stuck in Shikamaru shadow technique. "Thanks for letting everything go according to my plan.

"You got me," Sakon said "But I still go this technique," He said in his head. Soon shuriken was coming from behind Shikamaru as he turned around and blocked his face but the Shadow technique was deactivated. "Doton Kekkai," Jirobo said as he put his hands on the floor as it made an earth dom around Naruto and the others


"Damn it, " Shikamaru said

"Where are we," Choji asked

"We inside that big guy's barrier," Shikamaru said


"I got the kids, let me recover some," Jirobo said

"Once you finish eating catch up with us, we'll go ahead," Sakon said as Kidomaru picked up the barrel with y/n and Sasuke in it.

"Here we go," Kidomaru said

"Hurry up and catch up," Sakon said


"Damn it! Let us out! God damn it," Naruto said

"Shut up Naruto," Kiba yelled as he started to feel the wall

"From observation alone, its a wall made of soil," Neji said as he started to feel the wall.

"It's one of there technique, there most likely some kind of trick to it," Shikamaru said

"I don't know what it is, but all we have to do is break through this wall right?" Kiba said

"Making moves carelessly is dangerous," Shikamaru said

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