Part 106

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Kidoumaru was about to meet us but Sakon held him back, "I'll do it!" I nodded to Sasuke as we both jumped and wrapped ninja wire around Sakon leg as he kicked towards us. As Sakon landed, we pulled the string, he was stuck, he seemed to realize it. Sasuke kicked back but Sakon blocked him. Sasuke aimed a punch but he caught at that moment I jumped into to kick Sakon in the face but he grabbed my ankle. Me and Sasuke aimed a punch at Sakon at the same time.

"Let's hear some good sounds," he smirked and shouted, "Do!"

An invisible attack hit us, flinging us backward and making us cough up blood. I landed on my feet wiping my mouth wondering where that came from.

"Re!"Sakon yelled again. This time we flew into the tree crashing into it.

"Both of your bones have a low tone, lets hear a higher pitched sound,how about it?" Sakon said

Me and Sasuke were able to leap out of harm from Kidoumaru slid in for an attack. We jumped in midair and turned just as Kidoumaru spit out a web thing on me and Sasuke. He used it as a whip and flung us away towards Jiroubo. The thing came off as we were sailing through the air. Jiroubo had so much surface area that he was able to body slam us in one go. We were heading towards Sakon now.

"Next will be a 'mi fa so' combination," he smirked and thrust his hand out. However, he was slow, me and Sasuke were able to kick under his chin to make him miss.

"What?" he cursed as we flipped around. We were going back and forth throwing punches and kicks. I punch him in the gut, me and Sasuke were able to land a punch sending him back. Me and Sasuke smirked but all of a sudden me and Sasuke was upside down as Sakon had our ankles.

"Hmph, why does Orochimaru-sama want weaklings like these two? Kimimarro would've been a better choice," Sakon wondered aloud. "Well, as long as you two stay in this dump of a village, you'll be no different from an average person. You won't get any stronger," He chuckled. I coughed as I wiped the blood from my mouth.

"If you continue to play ninja games with your buddies, you'll just rot," Sakon smirked.

Tayuya landed next to us, "Come with us. That way, Orochimaru-sama will give you powers," she said without any emotion.

Me and Sasuke curse marks started to burn as I winced.

"Hmph, why does Orochimaru-sama want weaklings like these two? Kimimarro would've been a better choice," Sakon wondered aloud. "Well, as long as you two stay in this dump of a village, you'll be no different from an average person. You won't get any stronger," He chuckled. I coughed as I wiped the blood from my mouth.

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