Part 194

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As I turned my head.

"Why you...!" I said

"As a result, I came into possession of the perfect Mangekyo Sharingan and became the leader of the Uchiha. And using that power, I fought the Senju clan countless times. It was inevitable that I face Hashirama, the leader of the Senju clan. "Wood Style" Hashirama Senju, the future first Hokage. The one who stood at the top of the ninja world... And the one I respected most. The Senju clan, led by Hashirama who became the First Hokage, was feared and respected by all the other clans. If the Senju moved so did the Uchiha. Our clan was probably the only clan able to compete with them. If a nation hired the Senju, the opposing nation would hire the Uchiha. We were like rivals. The more I went up against Hashirama, the more my name became known as well," Tobi said as me and Sasuke started to remember what Itachi said

"To heighten your reputation... you took your younger brother's eye just for that?!" Sasuke said

"I did take them. But I needed power in order to protect the Uchiha," Tobi said

"Protect," I said

"Yes. As the Uchiha name spread, its enemies increased. It was a necessary sacrifice to protect the clan during the fierce fighting with the Senju, and the other clans. It was not for my fame. My younger brother was in total agreement and offered his eyes to me. But one day, the Senju clan offered a truce. And the Uchiha accepted it. Everyone, in both clans, had grown weary of the fighting that had dragged on for so long. They had enough. But I, I was the only one who opposed it. Where has all the hate gone?! For what purpose had my brother sacrificed himself?! The Uchiha and Senju are like oil and water. I couldn't help fearing that in time, the Uchiha clan would come to be oppressed by the Senju clan. However... Everyone in the Uchiha clan wanted a truce. As their leader, I had no choice but to go along with their wishes. Shortly thereafter, the ninja alliance signed a pact with the Land of Fire, which had sought dominion over the territories. The secure one nation, one village system was formed and became the Land of FIre and the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Other countries adopted the one nation, one village system. And subsequently, the fires of war were extinguished. Momentary peace. But due to a certain incident, the Hidden Leaf Village quickly descended into turmoil," Tobi said

"A certain incident?" Sasuke and I said

"A fight... for the First Hokage's seat. As you know, the first to occupy that seat was Hashirama Senju. The Land of Fire and the entire clan choose Hashirama. It was inevitable that the Uchiha's hold on the reins of power would loosen. I decided that the Uchiha should take leadership... That we should confront Hashirama... But no one, not even from the Uchiha clan, supported me. My subordinates, who did not wish to light the fires of war, were unsympathetic and betrayed me. I was accused of acting out of greed and self-interest. Not only that... They scorned me as a selfish brother who stole his younger brother's eyes in order to save his own. What brother would willfully hurt his younger brother?! I just... I just wanted to protect the Uchiha!," Tobi said

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