Part 178

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"Being the best isn't all it's cracked up to be. If you have power, you become alienated and also arrogant. Even if you're coveted and sought after at first. But we only have each other as siblings," Itachi said looking at me as I smiled as he poked my head.

"Im always going to be there for the both of you, even if it's only as an obstacle for you to overcome. Even if you both hate me. Thats what big brothers are for," Itachi said as me and Sasuke looked at each other with confused faces as we looked back at Itachi.

"Is Itachi here?! We need to talk. Come out!" A voice said as Itachi went in the house to see who it is.

"What brings you all here?" Itachi said

"There were two people who didn't show up at yesterday's assembly," The guy said

"Why didn't you come? We understand that joining the Anbu Black ops means being pushed to do all sorts of petty assignments. Your father has said as much and tries to defend you," The other guy said

"But we have no intention of giving you special treatment," The guy said

"I understand. I shall be more careful hereafter. Now im going to have to ask you to leave," Itachi said

"All right but before that, we'd like to ask you a bit more about something. Its about Shisui Uchiha who died after throwing himself into the Nakano River last night." The guy said

"As I recall, you looked up to him like an older brother, didn't you?" The other guy said

"I see, I hadn't seen him recently, that's too bad," Itachi said

"And we, the Police Force have decided to launch an all-out investigation," The other guy said

"Investigation," Itachi said

"This is the will Shisui left. The handwriting analysis shows that it is unmistakably his," The guy said

"If there are no signs of foul play, why investigate at all?" Itachi said

"Someone who uses Sharingan would be able to make a perfect copy, the most talented of all our clan, feared as Shisui the Teleporter," the other guy said

"He was a man who took on any mission for the sake of the clan," The guy said

"Its hard to believe that someone like that would kill himself, leaving this behind" The other guy said

"You shouldn't judge people by their appearance, orby your own preconceptions," Itachi said

"Anyway we'll leave his will with you. Take it to the Anbu and request their cooperation in the investigation!" The other guy said

"Understood," Itachi said as they started to walk away

"Let's hope we get a lead on this soon," The guy said as Itachi squeezed the paper

"Why don't you just come out and say it?," Itachi said as they all turned around with the Sharingan activated

"You all suspect me, right?" Itachi said

"Yeah that's right. You little punk!" The other guy said as Itachi beat all the guys up.

"Like I said earlier, appearances and preconception aren't going to tell you anything. You assume that I'm very patient and underestimate me, The Clan, the Clan you keep harping on it, mistaking the size of that vessel and underestimating the size of mine. Thats why you're here now, groveling," Itachi said

"Shisui had been monitoring you lately. It's been six months since you joined the Anbu, but your recent words and actions have been intolerable. Just what are you thinking?" The guy said

"This attachment to the organization, to the clan, to one's name... Such attachments put a limit on one's vessel and should be shunned. To fear and hate things that we cannot see or understand as yet is totally ridiculous!" Itachi said

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