Part 62

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Soon a later I felt Paralysis Sakura fell to the ground as me and Sasuke look up and see the lady alive.

" I didn't expect that both of you could use the Sharingan so well at your age, you both live up to the name of Uchiha, I want both you, " The lady said Me and Sasuke started screaming to move but we could

"You're definitely his brother," The lady said I looked at Sasuke with a shocked look.

"Your eyes hide even more potential than Itachi the girl also," The lady said.

"Who the hell are you," Sasuke yelled

"My name is Orochimaru. If the both of you wish to see me again, get through this exams as if your life depended on it. As she started destroying the heaven scroll. Defeat the three sound Village Ninja under my control." The lady said

"The scroll what nonsense are you babbling about, We don't want to see your face ever again!," Sakura said

"That won't do," The lady said as she made hand signs that stretched out her neck towards us. I couldn't move She bit me on the neck then Sasuke. It was starting to burn as I was holding on to it.

"What did you do to them," Sakura said

"I gave them a parting gift," She said me and Sasuke fell to the floor still holding on to our necks screaming cause of the pain Sasuke turned his head to look at me and try to reach for me as I wanted to reach him, but I passed out cuz of the pain. I think Sasuke also passed out.


Sakura watched over the unconscious boys, and girl tears went down her face. She heard a noise and turned her head and saw a squirrel running over she threw her Kunai so that the squirrel doesn't set off the traps. Soon three sound ninjas came out.

"Wake the Uchiha's up. We want to fight them." The mummy guy said

"What do you want here? I know Orochimaru is calling the shots from the shadows. What's that strange bruise on Sasuke and y/n neck? You're behind this too, aren't you? And you want to fight them while they're down." Sakura said

The three sound ninjas looked confused the moment she mentioned Orochimaru and the mark."I can't stay quiet after hearing you talk to us like that. First I'm going to kill you, then I'm going to kill the Uchihas," the spiky hair guy said.

"Wait Zaku," Mummy man said. "Why?" Zaku asked. "It's so obvious. This is the color of dirt recently dug up. ANd this type of grass doesn't grow here. You know if you're going to lay a trap, there's no point unless it's hidden

The three of them jumped up and towards Sakura. Sakura pulled out a kunai and cut a wire next to her. A giant log swung towards the three ninjas, but the mummy man blew it in half.

"Leaf Hurricane!" Lee said as he kicked the ninja's ninja away from Sakura.

'Who are you?" Mummy man asked

"I am the Handsome Devil of the Hidden Leaf. And my name is Rock Lee." Lee said

"What are you doing here Lee?" Sakura asked

"I will always appear, anytime and anywhere if you are in trouble Sakura.

"But right now in this test, I'm your enemy," Sakura said

"I already told you Sakura. I will protect you until I die," Lee said

"Yes. Thank you, Rock Lee," Sakura said

The mummy man ran at Sakura. Sakura threw a kunai he merely dodged it and jumped up. Lee punched the ground and out came the stump of a tree to block mummy man.

Lee slowly unrivaled some of the baandages on his arms. Mummy man ran towards Sakura again.

"To protect the life of someone precious!" Lee grunted

Lee disappeared and reappeared beneath mummy man as he kicked from under his chin.

That sent mummy man flying up. Then Lee jumped up behind mummy man. "Not yet!" The Bandages around Lee's arm unrivalled and wrapped around mummy man. After enough was wrapped Lee grabbed him by the waist and dove headfirst back to the ground.

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