Part 191

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As the guy with the mask we met before came out of the shadows.

"We've met once before. The last time, it was as enemies. Don't worry about Deidara's death. I am not your enemy. I brought both of you here in order to tell you something, You guys not interested at all, I see... Maybe if I put it another way, you both will want to listen? It is about Itachi Uchiha," Tobi said as me and Sasuke looked at Tobi not moving at all as we had lifeless eyes.

"Yes... You think you knew about your brother, or I can say kind of brother to Y/n but you both know nothing," Tobi said as me and Sasuke was still looking at Tobi as Tobi was taking his mask off.

"Oh, all right... Let's start with introductions. Like both of you, I am a survivor of the Uchiha Clan... And the one who knows the truth about Itachi Uchiha," Tobi said as me and Sasuke looked into Tobi eye but me and Sasuke left eye changed into Itachi Sharingan as Tobi jumped

"It can't be," Tobi said as black flames hit Tobi as Tobi dropped the mask and started to scream as he fell in the shadow as me and Sasuke screamed and held our left eye. As Sasuke and I were breathing heavy as we moved our hand as our Sharingan went back to normal.

"What was that just now?" Sasuke asked

"I don't know," I said as me and Sasuke turned our head.

"The Amaterasu which Itachi implanted inside both of you. How like Itachi. He surprises both of you even after he's dead. To think he planned things this far..." Tobi said as he put his mask back on as he walked towards us.

"What are you talking about?" I said

"In order to kill me, he placed a jutsu into both of you or rather should I say; in order to keep me away from both of you... He probably set his Amaterasu to self-activate when you both look into my Sharingan. So this was his fail-safe plan... Although it didn't work on me," Tobi said

"So... what's this all about?" Sasuke said

"Before he died, Itachi must've done something to both of you. At the end.. for your sake, he transferred his own ocular powers to both of you," Tobi said as me and Sasuke frozed as we remembered Itachi touching our foreheads.

"What are you saying? Just... what are you trying to say?" I said as I moved but I moved to fast as I gritted my teeth as I was in pain.

"Why would Itachi do something like that?!" Sasuke said

"Don't you both get it? In order to... protect both of you," Tobi said as me and Sasuke made a shocked look.

"Protect?" Sasuke said

"Did you say protect? You've got to be kidding!" I said

"I'll say it once more... you both may think you know about your 'brother' but you know nothing," Tobi said

"If you continue speaking such nonsense, we'll kill you!" I growled

"You both are not making this easy, are you? I suppose that's natural though... Suddenly being told such a story by a stranger like me. But what I tell both of you is the truth. Itachi did mention it, did he not? About his accomplice that night. I am that Madara Uchiha. I know everything about Itachi. I suppose Itachi died without realizing that," Tobi said

"Shut up! Such things don't matter anymore!" Sasuke said as he squeezes me as I held in a scream because of the pain.

"Just get out our sight," I said as I glared at him.

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