Part 120

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"No... I... I'll be eaten here, right now..." The guy said

"I'll let you out of here... and I shall grant you just one wish," Orochimaru said

"My clan that was captured for your experiments. Please release them." The guy said

"Sure. Consider it done, you don't have to worry. Your strong will is going to remain as residual thoughts inside me. It's not like you'll lose everything. Now then, your flesh is mine..." Orochimaru said soon there was a scream as Kabuto turned the screen off.

"With this, Lord Orochimaru's body will, once again, be unable to reanimate for several years... However, there is the next time." Kabuto said

"Indeed my body no longer has value as a vessel for Reanimation Jutsu. It will now be difficult for me who has lost everything... to find my own calling... I've finally understood that... Even if it's not me, I'll bring in the new "Vessel" and the slave even if it costs me my life. That's my repayment to Lord Orochimaru... That's the only redemption for me for being worthless...," Kimimaro said as he started to rise up.

Sound Four

The sound 2 was jumping with Tayuya holding the barrel in her hands. As Y/n and Sasuke started to move around in the barrel.

"Hold on a minute!" Tayuya said as Sakon and Tayuya landed on a branch.

"Are we almost there?" Sakon said

"No... it should still take a while. More importantly," Tayuya said as she turned around and see Naruto, Kiba, and Shikamaru.

"What were those idiots Jirobo and Kidomaru doing?!" Tayuya said

"We caught up!" Naruto said

"All right! I'll take care of this nice and quick! Right away," Sakon yelled as he jumped towards Naruto and the others. As Naruto threw a kunai. As Sakon moved out the way as he started to make hand signs. As Naruto made a clone.

"Eat this," Sakon said as Kiba and Shikamaru were jumping towards Sakon while Naruto was making a Rasengan.

"Multiple Fists Barrage!" Sakon said as he punched Kiba and Shikamaru as they flew back.

"Rasengan," Naruto said but before Naruto can hit Sakon. Sakon grabbed his hand.

"There's no point if I catch you before you do it!" Sakon said

"No way... His hands now?!" Kiba said

"Now Kiba," Naruto said 

"Tunneling Fang," Kiba said as he was twirling as he hit Naruto but Naruto turned into smoke as Kiba was about to hit Sakon but Sakon ducked under it.

"You think you succeeded just with that?!" Sakon said as jumped toward Tayuya as Shikamaru shadowed caught Tayuya.

"Damn, I've been, nailed," Tayuya said

"Shadow Possession Jutsu succeeded!" Shikamaru said

"A diversion... He's coming," Tayuya said but Kiba was able to grab the Barrel.

"Tayuya! What're you doing idling away?! No, WHy do you move forward," Sakon said as Shikamaru moved the Shadow as Tayuya and Sakon crashed into each other. As Kiba threw the Barrel to Naruto.

"Here you go," Kiba said

"Nice! Kiba, Shikamaru!" Naruto said

"Shikamaru! Let's get out of here!" Kiba said

"Yeah," Shikamaru said as they all ran away.

"Punks...!" Tayuya said

"You scums... Messing around with us." Sakon said

"They were full of openings just as I thought. Having too much ability individually is also a problem..." Shikamaru said

"It went well," Naruto said

"Yeah, it went just as calculated! Just in terms of teamwork, ours was way better than theirs," Shikamaru said at that moment Sakon activated his curse mark.

"I won't let you get away," Sakon said as he jumped after them with Tayuya following but not far behind Kimimaro was close behind them. Naruto and the others were still ahead as Sakon and Tayuya were catching up fast.

"They're fast," Kiba said

"Akamaru," Kiba said as he sees Akamaru on the paper bomb.

"Come quick after you've set the bombs!" Kiba said as he ran off. As Sakon landed he didn't see the paper bomb as they went off by him.

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