Part 119

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"Hey, come on. Aren't you forgetting Akamaru's nose and mine as well??" Kiba said

"I was sure to include your senses of smell in the calculations! Even so, up ahead they have the geographical advantage. Plus... if I can't use my Jutsu, it'll be no use, Even if I seal off their movements with Shadow Possession Jutsu... the effect would be reduced to half if clouds were to cover the moon. It's a drag, but there are too many dangers and uncertain elements." Shikamaru said

"But!" Kiba said

"Got it!" Naruto 

"Naruto?" Kiba said

"You're the leader... I'll follow your instructions, Shikamaru!" Naruto said

"Right. I'm counting on you!" Shikamaru said the sound 2 was still running.

"Hey, Tayuya! Will we really make it in time?" Sakon said

 I was just told to deliver Master Sasuke and y/n by tomorrow " Tayuya said

"By tomorrow, huh? I can't say that we have lots of time to spare but I guess we'll make it in time." Sakon said

"I hope so," Tayuya said 

Orochimaru hideout

Orochimaru was in the shower in so much pain with blood all over him as Kabuto walked in.

"Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto said

"Y/n ... No Y/n yet or even Sasuke," Orochimaru said

"Lord Orochimaru several bodies have been prepared for you! And... you could even use me, if necessary," Kabuto said

"It has to be an Uchiha, How long do you think I've waited?" Orochimaru said

"It's a matter of urgency! The Third Hokage's Jutsu... his curse was stronger than expected!" Kabuto said as they had a flashback of the battle between Orochimaru and The Third Hokage.

"If you don't "reanimate" right now you'll lose everything! Is that what you want?!" Kabuto said

"Lose everything," Orochimaru said

"I've selected and prepared proficient bodies for you. Please leave it to me! Also... I'll handle the recovery of Sasuke and y/n as well. Shall I use Kimimaro," Kabuto said

"Curse you... Third Hokage!" Orochimaru said as Kabuto left and walked to a courtyard.

"Release," Kabuto said soon all the doors open and people came out.

"Listen up everyone," Kabuto said as everyone looked up to where Kabuto was standing.

"I shall release you from this prison... However, it'll only be one of you!" Kabuto left as he went to wake up Kimimaro.

"Just as I thought, I wasn't summoned this time, either. Dr. Kabuto, I... ," Kimimaro said

"take care of your body, Your role is now finished. It's not sound five now Kimimaro..." Kabuto said as the red marks were going back into Kimimaro chest.

"I... still haven't," Kimimaro said

"Your replacement has already been found, they both possesses power equal to your "Earth" Curse Mark. They have been given the "Heaven" Curse Mark. Additionally, they both have a Kekkei Genkai. Wonder whos powerful out of you three," Kabuto said as Kimimaro heart picked up.

"What's the matter? Don't get too excited," Kabuto said

"Dr. Kabuto my life, how much do I have left?" Kimimaro said

"You shouldn't talk anymore..." Kabuto said

"P-People... People are born with some kind of meaning... since people are born, there must be some kind of important calling. Recently I've started thinking so... That the meaning of being born... for people, finding the meaning is... the only freedom God has given." Kimimaro said

"I understand what you want to say. Indeed, Lord Orochimaru is now suffering. It's an unprecedented difficult situation, but I'll mince no words. What can you do now? You've now lost your value as a "vessel." A new vessel is heading this way. She is very powerful now but with Orochimaru training its no stopping her also with the boy we will brainwash him to stand on our side. Well... At this point in time, it's too late, but..." Kabuto pushed a button as the person appeared on the screen.

"Okay! You said you were going to let one person out of here. You're going to keep your promise. What're you doing? Open the door now!" The guy said but then it was a click of a door as Orochimaru came inside walking towards the guy.

"What? There was another one? Hurry up and" the guy said but froze in fear.

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