Part 16

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They started spinning their chains but before they could grab Naruto. Sasuke threw a shuriken into the chains and the shuriken sunk deeply into the tree. They were unable to move forward. Sasuke landed on both of their arms kicked both of them in the face chains to break. One of them started rushing towards Tazuna then Sasuke appeared in front of both of them. He tried to protect Tazuna and Sakura. Another ninja was rushing towards Naruto. I noticed that Naruto frozen. I started running to protect that blonde idiot. I jumped in front of Naruto and I punched the ninja in the face making him roll to the floor but he still scratched Naruto's hand.

"Hi" Kakashi appeared with all three ninjas in his arms

"Oh you found him," I said Kakashi nodded his head.

"Kakashi Sensei! You're alive!" Sakura said happily. "Show off," Sasuke thought

Naruto looked in the spot where he saw Kakashi getting killed."Kakashi-sensei used the replacement jutsu."

"They saved me after all," Tazuna admitted

"Sorry that I didn't help you right away. Good job Sakura *rolled my eyes*, good punch y/n maybe less forces next time, good job Sasuke," said Kakashi sensei.

Naruto's Pov

"Hey Naruto come here so I can look at your hand," y/n said

I didn't say anything. She looked and said.

"Don't move you have poison in your would. I'm going to open it and remove the poison," said y/n

I pulled out my Kunai and stabbed my hand as Sasuke pull y/n away. "Why am I so different. I worked so hard to get here pushed myself till it hurts training alone for hours. I will never back down again or let someone else rescue me and I will not lose to Sasuke and y/n. Upon this wound I make this pledge believe it. Bridge builder I will complete this mission and protect you with my life" Tazuna was surprised.

"Naruto umm. That was really cool how you took the poison out and all but if you lose any more blood. You're going to die," Kakashi said.

"Emm. No no no I'm too young to die," Naruto said face turning blue.

As y/n gets out of Sasuke arms and walk up to Naruto and punch him on the head.

"You idiot I told you not to move so I can heal you," said y/n As y/n was healing Naruto hand without paying attention to how his skin was feeling really fast.

"Next time they will be prepared. It won't be chunin it will be a jounin elite ninja with deadly skills." Kakashi sighed.

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