Part 26

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Sakura walked away with an angry look on her face. While I walked further away from the other to look at the scroll. In the scroll was all the fire style jutsu. I already learn some of them with Sasuke like the Fireball jutsu, Fire Balsam Technique, Dragon Flame Jutsu. Now all I have to learn is Burning ash, Great fire Annihilation, Majestic Demolisher, Dragon Flame Caterwaul, Phoenix Flower Jutsu, Dragon flame bomb. I took my shirt off because I got a sports bra under I knew this going to take long I don't want to mess up my shirt because of its fire style. This is going to take lots of chakras about two hours have passed I was perfecting all the fire Jutsu but I couldn't get the Great fire annihilation it would always come out small im getting so mad. I keep doing it over and over again not caring I'm losing chakra. Alright, this is my last time.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation," I yelled

Finally, A big fireball came out my mouth as it went thru the trees as I fell back breathing heavy.

"YES," I yelled smiling on the floor and can't move.

Sasuke Pov

This is so embarrassing, I can't even climb a tree even Sakura beat me and she weak. Where y/n got I got to ask her for help even though she going to laugh at me. I walked in the forest and looked around noticed the trees were burned everywhere I see something laying down on the floor as I walk closer I can hear heavy breathing as I walk closer. When I got closer I looked down noticed it was y/n.

"Oh hey Sasuke," she says out of breath.

"What are you doing," I asked

"Just a little training," She says

"Little you almost destroyed the forest," I said she laughed a little but then I noticed she didn't have a shirt on my face starting to heat up but I was able to keep it under control. So I bend down and picked her up in my arms.

"What you doing aren't you suppose to be training," She asked me

"I'm taking you back to the house for you to rest and I was going asked you a question," I said

"What's the question?" She asked

"How do you climb a tree," I said she started to laugh I knew she was going to do that. "Keep laughing I will drop you in the floor," I said

"Alright, I'm sorry all you have to do is stop focusing all your attention on Naruto and concentrate on the tree alone. Don't put too much chakra on your feet or you will bounce, don't put less chakra or you won't be able to go far," she said. I nodded at what she said and kept walking sooner or later she stop moving in my arms I looked down I noticed she fell asleep she looks so peaceful, I never noticed how pretty she look, My face started to heat up again. We finally arrived at the house everyone was in the kitchen.

"Is y/n ok," Kakashi said

"Yeah, she just fell asleep on our way here I'm going to bring her into the room," I said Kakashi nodded as I went upstairs. I placed y/n on the bed and woke her up to tell her to go wash up. She got up without saying anything but ended up walking into the walk I was shaking my head as I got up and picked her up put her in the bathroom put the shower water on for her. Then left the bathroom closing the door. Then went to my bed and closed my eyes.

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