Part 35

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Then we will defeat you here. I said with a smirk.

"Sasuke, y/n, Naruto! Take this guy out you can do it!" Sakura screamed. I rolled my eyes and faced Haku. I got into my fighting stance.

I look to the side to see Kakashi about to move his headband and use the Sharingan. However, Zabuza had ran at him and went to stab his Sharingan eye. "Kakashi!" I shouted

He was able to block the kunai with his hands. I let out a sigh of relief.

A needle was thrown my way. I wasn't able to dodge it luckily Sasuke was able to grab the back of my shirt and pulled me back. "If you wish to protect your precious person, you must never look away from the enemy." Haku told me. I just scoffed and looked in the eyes.

I wasn't backing down from this. Not at all. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" said Naruto. Is he stupid? he just tried that already.

Naruto was running up to the mirror ready to attack again but Haku easily destroyed his clones but I started noticing he was jumping from mirror to mirror so I jumped up and punched and noticed I made a crack in his mask when he flung back into the mirror. A smirk was starting to form on my face.

A barrage of needles flung towards me. I jumped away barely able to dodge. I wish I had more chakra if I did I would have knocked him out with that punch.

The needles never let up and Naruto, Sasuke, and I barely managed to be safe. Naruto summoned more clones. Sasuke kicked the water into the air and I gave him a look. I started noticing what he was doing. We both look at each other with a smirk.

I heard Zabuza telling Kakashi his Sharingan was useless. I was just thinking how come he beat you last time. No time to get smart.

Zabuza conjured up mist.

Naruto ran and summoned more. He can still summon them. He's not that weak as I thought.  I noticed Sasuke performing some hand signs. A fireball Jutsu. I noticed he got Haku a little bit in his leg. Maybe we can beat him.

I shook my head to focus. I made hand signs to Lava Release: Lava Dragon Technique. I don't care anymore about my chakra I'm not going to die here. It destroyed two mirrors. I had a smile on my face. I was about to make another hand sign but Haku threw me back with needles. I was thrown into Sasuke who caught me.

Ow. " I won't let you get too close to the mirrors. Your sensei's Sharingan is useless and he can't save you. So keeping you a bay until I defeat you three should be easy." What? Is he talking about Sharingan is an important tool.

Damn it. " I was close yet I couldn't get him," Naruto said in frustration. Naruto, can you do it again?" Sasuke asked. I looked up to him. Do he know that Naruto used a lot of chakras using those Shadow Clones? Haku went to strike again and Sasuke started making hands signs I was following after him. "Naruto run for it! Get out of here and attack from outside! Hurry!" Sasuke said.

"Alright, you got it!" Naruto said as he ran for an exit. " You cannot escape," Haku stated. The mirrors reacted and I ran in front of him elbowing Haku in the face before he hit Naruto and flew back into the mirror was Naruto was able to escape. Me and Sasuke looked at each other grinning. 

"That's it, Fireball Jutsu! I looked over to Sasuke and my eyes widened. I see senbon needles coming towards him so I run to him and tackle him out the way but I got hit instead.

"y/n stop doing that I can protect myself," Sasuke said

"Thank you would be nice anyway we need each other to beat Itachi," I said

"I know that but the only way we can ever fight Itachi is if we defeat Haku," Sasuke said

He moved to side of my body and pulled out the needle in my arm without warning me. 

"Owww Sasuke," I screamed

"Sorry but I had to take those out so you can move your arm," Sasuke said.

Once I don't feel the pain anymore I looked at the mirrors.

I glared at Haku. " What's the plan?" I asked. Sasuke looked at Haku too and smirked. 

Hm? He is planning something. What though sometimes I don't understand him. And I can't ask him because Haku would hear and that's no good at all. Before we started anything Haku threw some needles at Sasuke. I try running to him to move him out the way again but needles hit my back as I fell to the ground.

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