Part 197

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"Itachi was lying when he told you that. Itachi feared that you would somehow you learn the truth. He wanted to make absolutely certain there was no chance of that. He lied to make sure you both would not trust me... Not only that, he implanted Amaterasu in both your eyes," Tobi said

"As if I'd believe you! He... Itachi was evil! He's a criminal who killed his clan and joined Akatsuki!" Sasuke yelled as I kept my head down as my bangs covered my eyes.

"Itachi took sole responsibility for an unspeakable crime and the left the village. Then he found a way to join Akatsuki and watched over an organization that was dangerous to the village from the inside. He was always thinking about the Hidden Leaf Village. And he thought of both of you. When the Third Hokage, who had promised to protect both of you, died... Itachi made an appearance in Hidden Leaf Village. It was to tell Danzo and the other superiors that "I am alive." You both were foremost in his thoughts--" Tobi said as I started to shake.

"Stop! Lies! They're all lies..." Sasuke yelled

"Just stop," I forced out.

"You both still alive, aren't you?" Tobi said as we froze.

"Your eyes did not perceive a single thing about Itachi. You both were not able to see through the illusion Itachi created at all. Itachi killed his friends, his superiors... He killed his lover, his father and his mother. But he could not kill... his little brother and sister. He cried tears of blood and killed every shred of feelings he had inside him," Tobi said as he walks towards us and stopped in front of Sasuke bending down holding a kunai.

"Then he killed his brethren for the sake of his village," Tobi said as he cut Sasuke rope as he walks to me cutting my rope.

"But he couldn't kill both of you. DO you both understand what that means? To him, both of your life was more precious than the village. Until the moment of his death... No, even in death, it was all for you both. To pass on a new power... By making you both defeat him, he had avenged the Uchiha clan. In order to raise and make you both the hero of Hidden Leaf Village. His body was ravaged by illness and he knew he was near death. Even if he had to rely on drugs to prolong his life... For the sake of his beloved little siblings... He had to fight both of you... and die in your presence. For the peace of Hidden Leaf Village, and most of all for Y/n, Sasuke Uchiha. He wanted to die as a criminal and a traitor. He accepted disgrace in the place of honor, and hate in the place of love. And despite that, Itachi died with a smile on his face. He entrusted the Uchiha name to both of you, his younger brother and sister, deceiving both of you to the very end," Tobi said as me and Sasuke had flashbacks to the time we would play with Itachi when we was little. The time we played hide in seek and when we would have dinner together because my mom said i can stay over I basically lived there. Showing how Itachi will always poke me and Sasuke forehead. The time Sasuke hurt his ankle. The day he told us he will be there for us even if we hate him. He always treated me as his little sister. Even in the end of the fight when he told us sorry, this is it as he died.

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