Never Be The Same

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You and I will never ever ever be the same.

I was 1 and Bucky was 5 when our parents died. We were forced to live on our own. I was young and dumb, not knowing what was going on or why Bucky cries every night. I just know that I never saw my Mama or Dad since forever.

I remember living on the streets but sometimes going to my brother's best friend's, Steve Rogers, house. His Mama always took care of me while he and my brother went to school.

When I started to go to school, Steve's family let us stay with them, but Bucky kept refusing.

Finally, Steve manages to get an apartment and let me and Buck stay in it with him.

Later in 1941, when I was sixteen Bucky joined the army and left to go fight. Steve mysteriously disappeared and I was left alone. I was walking to school one day and someone slipped past me. "Hello? " I turned around, but no one was there.

Suddenly, a hand-blocked my mouth and pulled me into darkness.

I woke up in a factory with no memories of anyone or anything, not even my self.

"Hello, ma'am. " A dark voice sounded from the dark. I struggled on the table I was tied on as I speak. "Who are you? " "I'm Dr. Zola. I'm here to help. "

I looked around in the black surrounding me and found a man laying calmly on a table. They take him away into a room. I can hear someone mutter words to the man.

And his screams, telling them to stop.

I shiver in fear as Dr. Zola says, "Don't worry, we're helping him too. Now, listen to these words. Alone. Black. Kids. Closet. Sixteen. Shiny. Parts. Light. Brother.

My mind snapped and let something else take control. " Ghost Ivy? " 

"Ready to Comply. "

I'm Ghost Ivy. And here's my story...

3rd POV

"Ghost Ivy! " Someone yells into your cell. Your head snaps up at the figure standing in your doorway. He throws a suit at you. "Mission. Get ready. Now. "  He turns on his heels and walks out.

You pull on a f/c crop top and shorts. Knee-high boots, a mask that covers the lower part of your face, and f/c goggles.

You walk out of your cell and stand in front of the rude jerk who threw your clothes at you. "If you hadn't noticed, I'm pissed, " His eyes narrowed at you. You rolled your eyes. As if that wasn't obvious. The man continues. "The Winter Soldier. He's been gone for almost 2 years. We need him back. You will go out there and find him. "

You nodded and ran out the door. As you run on top of buildings, you pull a Katana out of your leg's pocket.


You searched almost the whole city and there was no sign of the winter soldier. You were about to turn around and report the news, but then a person in red and blue blocked your way.

"Hey." He sounded like a boy with a girl's voice. Is he a boy?

"I'm pretty sure you know who I am. " He stretched hard like he was trying to flex. "Who are you? "

All you did was tilt your head. Then pulled your Katana in front of you and spelled out "Ghost Ivy" in the sand.

The eyes on the boy's suit widen. His suit had webs tatted on it and a symbol of a spider on it. You assume his powers had to do with spiders, but you still didn't know his name. You'll just call him Spiderboy until you get his actual name.

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now