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A few days later/ Y/n's POV

"Ghost Ivy! "

"Yes? " I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. My boss throws a journal, the journal, at my face. "The time has come. Get him back, tonight. "

As soon as my boss left, I slightly (loudly) groan into my pillow. After the rage letting out session, I put on my original f/c outfit and walk out of the cell.

Theeennn I walked right back into my cell because I forgot about the journal.

When I was totally all ready, I met my boss outside and flew in a helicopter to the SHIELD tower. My mission was to cause as much as chaos as I can to get the Avengers to come and stop me.

The first part of the mission will be easy. I probably won't even need my ninja stealth powers. I can cause chaos by tripping over a cord. Or air.

But I'm only using my powers to take down the guards. I run into the building and turn invisible. Invisibility is my main power, that's why I'm called GHOST Ivy.

I walk casually in the hallways in front of the guards and stopped. I just looked around and admire the beautiful art around the room. Then I got bored.

I pulled out my Katana and run towards a guard, swipe my leg under him, making him fall.

He groans on the floor and other guards stand armed and confused about who caused this trouble. I did more chaos then soon enough, the Avengers were here.

With Spiderboy. Hi Boo!

"Natasha! " Captain America called out to Black Widow. She nodded and threw a black ball on the ground. It covered me and my eyesight.

I accidentally became visible and complained about how much the black smoke stung my eye. I looked up and growled as I pulled out my whip and hit Black Widow's eye with it. She screamed and hit the ground.

When all hell breaks loose, the Falcon came towards me and throws knives at me. I dodged each one and threw the last one at his wings. It shocked and popped and Falcon was sent flying down.

Then the others tried to fight too, but all failed miserably.

This is my chance, I thought to myself. Use the journal. I pulled the journal out of my pocket and every Avenger's eyes widen.

"No... "

I smirked as I muttered the words, "Longing, Rusted, Seventeen..."

Cries from the other side of the room sounded.

I continue because no one stopped me. "Nine, One, Daybreak... " My voice breaks as I say the words out loud.

Why am I doing this? Why do I care? I don't give a crap about anything.

I realized how painful doing this was because he was suffering like the way I did. I'm feeling... Feeling! How is this possible? I couldn't even finish the job. I softly cry and put both knees on the floor.

Someone ran over to me and put their large, muscular arms around me. One arm stung me of coldness, I assume it was metal, so...

The Winter Soldier is hugging me? Why? After what I almost did to him?

"Hey, Hey! It's ok. We'll help you. " His voice travels into my ears like a whisper.

Will everything be ok?

3rd POV

You cry softly on the floor with Bucky holding you in his arms. "We need her to fall asleep. " Bucky announced.

"Why? " Clint stands upholding his side. "She still doesn't trust us. If we take her away while she's awake, she can escape. " Bucky explains. "Ok, " Wanda stood up holding her hands out. "I'll just enter her mind and... "

You were sent flying towards the wall out of Bucky's arms. Everyone turns to stare at Tony, who's arm is up as if he shot you, in which he did. "WHAT THE HELL TONY?! " Steve yelled at his co-worker. Tony shrugs. "Every time we fight her, I never get a hit. Let me have this one. "

Natasha sighs. "You're a dick, Tony. Cmon, let's take her back to the tower. "

In the tower

Your head hurts so much. Those Avengers are so rude. Blasting shit at you. Your eyes slowly open and then you hear a figure yell out next to you.

"Mr. Winter! She's awake! " Spiderboy-i mean Spiderman, or Peter, yells. (You learned his name because Tony repeatedly yells it out when Peter can't stop talking.)

You sit up in the bed you were laying in, dressed in a... Hospital Gown.

"Wtf? " As your hand touches your head and you groan in pain, the Winter Soldier walks in. He looks scared and relieved. Mostly scared.

"Y/n?" He stands at the edge of your bed rubbing his arm. You stare confused, still not knowing who this Y/n is. "I still don't know who you are talking about, or to because my name ain't y/n, it's Ghost Ivy. "

"No, it's not. Y/n, please, if I can remember, then you can remember. " His arms dropped to his side and he moves closer to you. You immediately jump out of bed, stumbling and slipping, but then a pair of arms caught you before you hit the floor.

Hm, spiderboy.

You jump out of Peter's arms and as you stand up, Winter signals Peter to leave the room. You both watched him leave and as he turns the corner, he winks and clicks his tongue at you, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Y/n..." Winter's hands touch your arms. You whip around to rip his arms off, (Not off the body, guys. We're not getting violent yet.) but he blocks it.

"Y/n M/n Barnes. Born March 19, 1921. My little sister. The girl I cared for after our father was killed and mom was missing. The only sibling and family member I had left, and I needed to protect you. In the 1940s, I left to fight in a war and left you with Steve, who did a terrible job keeping track of you. You, disappeared, taken from HYDRA like I was. Brainwashed, force to kill, do stuff you didn't want to. We were both there, together. If I wasn't so stupid, I could've taken you with me. But I didn't and I left you to suffer by yourself and... " Bucky starts to cry. His hands remain on you, so when he fell to the ground, you went down with him.

"I'm so, so sorry y/n! Please, come back to me. " Bucky continues to cry until you speak.

"Bucky? "

A/n: I had to go back and re-edit because part of the story didn't edit sooo... Yeah.

Bye friends

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