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"Painful aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them..." The Alien speaks but then stops when a thump sounded behind him. He turns to see Tony armed with his hand repulsors.

" ...could end your friend's life in an instant," Alien said.

"I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more a professional courtesy." Tony rolled his eyes and glares at Alien. What if I called Squidward? That'll be a great name for him.

Squidward walks up to Tony with large pieces of metal behind him. "You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

"Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies." Tony shrugs and shoots a repulsor at the side of the ship, causing a hole to suck Squidward in.

Unfoartunly, Wizard goes through it too. Peter and I jumped down and try to grab him. The cloak gives an attempt but Wizard slips right through it. Then Peter went after him and attach a web to Wizard and a piece of the ship. Both Peter and I cheer but then his web breaks...

BUT THEN spider arms come out of Peter suit.


The arms stick to the wall, preventing Peter from falling out.

But then it wasn't strong enough to pull him and Wizard out.

I figured it was wise to use my whip to pull Peter back in. So I reached to my side to pull out my whip. But guess what?


Until a whip formed out of nowhere and wraps around my arm.

What. The. What.

I threw my whip towards Peter and it wrapped around his waist. I used all my might to pull him back in and the Wizards follows from behind.

They both lands on the floor and I rushed over to Peter. "Omigosh, are you ok?" I helped Peter off the floor and his mask unfolds to reveal the shocked look on his face. "That was by far the best experience ever." We both laugh and Cloak floats towards us.

Peter held out his hand to it. "Hey, we haven't officially met." The Cloak ignores Peter completely and floats on to Wizard, who is now standing up and alive. "Cool." Peter pouted.

Tony walked past Wizard, shaking his head stressed.

"We've gotta turn this ship around." Wizard points out.

"Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan." Tony said, annoyed.

"No, I want to protect the stone." Strange raises his voice a bit, possibly because he's pissed.

Tony looks out the window in front of the ship, crossing his arms. "And I want you to thank me now." Silence. Is this dude serio- "Go ahead, I'm listening."

"For what? Nearly blasting me into space?" Ohhhh, it's getting really tense up in here.

"Who just saved your magical ass? Me."

The old men continue their argument and Peter and I are in the background. I want to say something like, "I'm sorry" or "I didn't want us to fall apart. It wasn't my choice." or even "Why the heck did you let us get on this ship?" But he was to engage in the old fight.

"And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup."

Peter immediately raised his hand. "We're back up." He points between me and him.

"No. You're stowaways. The adults are talking." Tony said.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here. Wh-what are they, your wards?" Wizard stutters and points at us.

"No. I'm Peter, by the way." He said and I saw his hand twitching like he wanted to give Wizard a handshake.

"Doctor Strange." He said then his eyes darted at me, which mines glared back.

"Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um... I'm Spider-Man, then."

I sighed and rubbed my temple and Strange just stared at him.

"This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot." Tony sighs.

"Can we control it? Fly us home?" Strange asked. Tony stand still, not responding. "Stark?"

Tony suddenly flinched and was focused. "Yeah?"

"Can you get us home?" Strange said it a little slower.

"Yeah, I heard you. I'm thinking...I'm not so sure we should."

"Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here." Strange said firmly to make himself clear.

"No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back!" This finally caught my attention and off guard. I choked on my own air trying to make out of Tony just said.

Did Tony just say that Thanos had been in his mind for 6 years? Does that mean he saw the future too?

"Hey, Y/n, you ok?" Tony asked. Every men's eyes were on me.

"Yeah, uh, did you just say that Thanos has been in your mind for 6 years?" I repeated to make myself clear. Tony stepped closer to me. "Yeah, do you know about him?"

"Yeah, I do. I-uh-saw the future." I said. Everyone was interested to see how the future ended like hell. "What happened?" Peter asked, there was a small tremble in his voice, 'cause by the look of my face, he knew it didn't end well.

"Thanos was there and...he did it. He found all six of these rocks, he snapped his fingers, and people were fading away, they were dying." I whispered. Strange was shocked, Peter was scared, but Tony stood with a straight face. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier? We could've done something."

"I know, but I never saw the future before so I couldn't tell if it meant something or not," I said rather quickly.

"Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't because the fate of the universe depends on it." Strange finally gives up.

"Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight." Tony does this Knight thing on me and Peter's shoulders and says, "Alright, kids. You're Avengers now."

Peter stands in disbelief but soon gets it together, now holding a serious face. But for me? I'm scared.

What if we never beat Thanos?

What if he successfully gets what he needs to end the world?

What if this plan never works and I lose Peter again? Forever?

Aries Note: Hey yuh! Your girl is back at it again with these stories. I realized that my ex-best friend was a waste of my time and she wasn't worth crying over, causing me to not finish my stories for you amazing beautiful readers who I don't deserve. Special thanks to @Dragon-Mermaid and @AmberVale These ladies were there for me and making sure I'm ok and making sure that I am being LOVED!! Dragon-Mermaid even came back the next day to check on me and I'm so freaking grateful to be having these girls as my readers. Ily all

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