oh ok

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i lost someone important to me because of how they act. i deleted their contacts off my phone and told them before i deleted that i can't be friends anymore and i had to delete their phone number. and what made me heartbroken was that they responded with a simple "oh ok"

i never lost a best friend and they didn't care. i stayed in a box crying my heart out.

with that said, i wanna take some time to recover cause it wasn't just one friend, it was 2.

its school's over so you can expect a lot of posts from me but just not now. i need some time, not to mention i have a family vacation and im taking art classes and i have cross country practice so ill start posting again towards the middle of june. but im starting to work on an original story called "Rule #1, Break all the rule." I know, the title sucks, i'm thinking about changing it.

so excuse me im going to eat my heart out with bagel bites, hot Doritos, cookies, and drinking kool-aid while watching youtube.

bye puddins 

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