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Tell me where love goes when it's gone,
Tell me where hearts go when they go wrong.


I woke up to an empty bed. I was assuming that y/n was in the bathroom. My eyes rolled over to the bathroom door and it was open.

I got out of bed to look in bathroom for y/n.

And holy crap she wasn't there.

"Y/n?" I called out, nervously.

I looked around the apartment and saw a note. At first I thought it was from y/n, but it was only Aunt May.

Hi Children,
I went out with a friend, won't be back for a few hours
Love, May

Ok, ok, ok. Maybe y/n went out.

That's bad.

I'll contact Michelle.

"Hello? " Michelle's voice sounds tired and groggy.

"Hi Michelle, is y/n with you? "


"What the F, Peter. No y/n isn't with me. Why should she be and is everything ok? "

"Yeah, everything is ok. I don't want you to worry. " My face falls.

"Ok, bye. " "Bye"

I'm literally freaking out and don't know what else to d-

What a minute.

Moments later

Nope, y/n isn't with the Tea Spillers.

I only have one more resource and if she isn't there, I'm going to cry over the phone.

"Hello? "

"Hi Mr. Stark, did y/n go back home? "

"No, why? Did you lose her? Kid, your screwed is Bucky figures out. "

I let out a huge sigh. "I figured. I-I'll find her. She just left in the middle of the night. And she got this note from a person yesterday from Hydra and we try to come up with solutions and she wanted to go back to protect us all and I told her not to and we'll come up with another idea but-"

"KID! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A MINI SMARTER VERSION OF ME! She obviously went back to Hydra! We all know the words y/n doesn't know is rules and listen." Mr. Stark yells into the phone.

"Oh mi-" All of a sudden, I hanged up on Mr. Stark and zoomed into my room to put on my suit. Once it was on, I jumped head first out the window and started swinging through the city.

Hydra, Hydra, Hydra, repeats over and over again in my mind, building up rage.

How could I be so stupid? I was so mad, at Y/n for leaving. At Hydra for taking her in the first place. But more at myself for keeping her out of my sight.

I was so busy of my thoughts, I hit a side of a wall then fell to the ground.

I was about to curse until I realized the building.


Ugh, it looks creepy outside too.

The front door immediately opens and people in all black suits comes out with a huge cart. I manage to sneak past them behind the cart, then climbed the walls to hide.

Whoa, I'm creeping myself out.

This place looks so dark and empty. I see cells with people, some sitting on the bed emotionless, and some sits in a ball near a corner, muttering something. I got a hearing of someone saying, "No, no. No more torture. Mom? Dad? Katelyn? I-" Then someone comes into the cell and drags that person by the hair. "No! No! Stop! Please! Wanna remember! I wanna leave! Mom! Dad! Katelyn! No more torture! Leave me alo-" The door slams but it doesn't keep the screams behind it. When it stops, the person walks out emotionless again and sits back on the bed with a blank face.

I got an image on the face. Is that...


Ghost Ivy

I hear something.

I shift in bed and look around. My hand is near my thigh, ready to pull out my whip on any intruder.

A figure suddenly comes out of the shadows. I pulled out my whip, about to strike, but figure in blue and red holds up their hands. "Hey! Hey. Chill. "

"Who the hell are you? Why are you here? " I look up and down at the person.

He (I'm assuming) looked around and said, "Hey, keep it down. "

I stared at him in frustration. "Pardon me? You don't tell me what to do, you little-" He pulled up his mask up to his nose in a blink of an eye and kissed me.

Kissed me.


Why am I here...

"Why am I here... " Peter pulled my hand and lead me out of the building. "No time to explain, we gotta go before Bucky realizes your gone. "

We were so close to the door, until someone stood in front our way.

"You're not going anywhere. "

They said with a smirk.

I squinted my eyes to adjust my vision and seen...

"Crystal? "

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now