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Heart made of glass my mind is stone.
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone. Hello, welcome home.

At the tower

"She actually left!" Bucky screamed as he paced around the tower. Everyone sat around chilling while Bucky was acting like a hot teapot about to blow off his top. 

"Bucky, you needs to chill. She'll come back soon. She'll understand that she can't live without us." Clint said. 

Tony mumbles underneath his breath, " I rather live without you."

"She needs to come back now! She dosent know what she's doing." Bucky complains.

"I found out where she is!" Bruce comes in with a tablet.

"What? Are y'all tracking her?" Natasha sits up.

"Of course. She's a teenager. We track Peter all the time." Tony shrugs.

"Shes at an apartment. Peter's apartment." Bruce speaks up.

"You guys really shouldn't be tracking her..." Wanda tries to say untill...

"Shut your mouth, lady. We know what we are doing, unlike you girls." Thor smiles.

"Excuse me? You wont talk to Wanda or me like that cause i can beat your ass if you want me to." Natasha forms a fist.

Steve tries to calm everyone down. "Ok guys, peaceful discussions pleas-"

"And if anything, you boys don't even know how to tie your own shoes. " Natasha smirks. "NOBODY WEARS SHOES WITH SHOE LACES! THEY AREN'T IN STYLE!! " Tony grits his teeth.

While the boys and girls argue, and Steve tries to stop them, Bucky steals Bruce's tablet and find y/n's location.

Parker's Home.

Of course she'll be there. Well, if she's with Parker, she should be ok.


I am not ok.

I was out with May when she wanted to get coffee. We sat at a table, talking, until a person walked in. He looked normal. For I thought he was.

When I got up to get sugar, I bump into him.

"Oh, geez miss! I'm sorry! " He exclaims.

"Aw, it's alright. It's not like you spilled anything on me. " Why can't I see his face?

"Oh, well, are you ok? " He asked.

"Yes I'm fine. Sorry about that. " I smiled.

"It's ok. Welp, I should be on my way. " He walks away... Wait, did he just smirk?

That was so weird.

I got the sugar and sat back down with May.

"You OK sweetie? I saw you bump into someone. " She says.

"Yeah, I'm ok. "

"Oh, you have a paper on your jacket. "

"Huh? " She was right. I took the paper off then stuffed it in my pocket. It was probably nothing, right?

We got home half an hour before Peter did and I went to his room. I took out the paper to see if there was anything on it, like a message, because that person seem suspicious.

It did have something on it.

And not anything good.

You can't run from us.
We will always find you.
Come back now or it will be bad for you and your "Love Ones"

Holy shit.


Peter finally came back home and I had to tell him about the note. Once he heard about it, he was shook.

"Oh god. What are we gonna do? They're tracking you down. They know where you are! There's no point hiding you, they already know where you'll be... " Peter rambles on.

"Peter! It's ok. " I said to him, then took a deep breath. "I-I have a plan. " I stared at the note that was in my hand. "What is it? " Peter notices my emotion.

I let silence take over for a while then told him my plan. "I'll go. "

Peter doesn't seem worried or sad at this point. It's more of a confused face. "What? "

"I'm gonna go back to Hydra. It's the only way to fix everything-" "Y/n! You can't do that! " "I have to! I don't wanna risk any of your lives. "

Peter's face became more worried. "No. No, no, no, no, no. We'll figure out another plan. We are never using that plan. "

I couldn't get it out of him. "Sure. We won't use that plan. Let's just... Go to sleep. It's been a long day. " I said.

Peter nodded. "Yeah, sure. " He went to the bathroom to start taking a shower, and since my phone was dead and charging, I stoled his and played on it.

Minutes later, Peter came out of the bathroom and I was already "sleeping".

I felt him climb into bed and wraps his arms around me.

Later into the night, everyone was asleep. I made sure that Peter was fully asleep, like, nothing will wake him up asleep, then crawled out of bed.

I grabbed my phone and my weapons out of my bag. (Why do I have my weapons? Nobody knows.) Then I headed out the window. Before I jumped out, I stared at Peter's sleeping figure for the last time. I got off the window still and went over to Peter to kiss him on the forehead. "I'm sorry, love. " I whisper, then finally went out the window.

When I stopped on top of a building, I looked at my phone and threw it. I. Freaking. Threw. My. Phone. I never felt so hurt in my whole life.

I finished my journey to Hydra and stood in front of the building. I'm doing this for Bucky. For the Avengers. For Peter.

I walked through the door and looked around. I was quiet. I walked down the halls where the cells where located. I saw everyone who was tortured asleep. I finally saw my cell. It was empty, but it still had all my stuff in there, like they knew I would come back.

"Ghost Ivy? " A voice called. "Dr. Zola? " I called back. "I knew you come. You belong here. This is your home. " "This isn't my real home. I only came back to prevent my family from danger. " I growled. "It's doesn't matter, does it? You're back and that's all that matters. "

Someone pulls me from the darkness and sits me in a chair. They pull out the journal, but I wasn't surprised. I knew this will happen. What did I expect? The man mutter out the words and I didn't flinch or anything. I just sat there, like this wasn't even shit. When something else took over my mind, I knew what I did was right. I mean, I might go kill random people again, it could be MJ or the Tea Spillers. I still have to fight the Avengers, but it's better than having Hydra do it. They could probably easily do it, but they won't.

I know I couldn't hurt the Avengers, they were too strong. Wait, why am I talking about the Avengers?

"Ghost Ivy? "

"Ready to comply. "

A/n: WHOOOOOOO! Life right? Thanks for reading so much. I honestly didn't think my stories will get this far. It's great knowing that people love my stories. I noticed that Pure-BloodRavenclaw, DanielleGuerra6, and Dragon-Mermaid are always into my stories when they come out and I appreciate you loves so much! That's all for today. Bye, y'all!

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now