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Ghost Ivy

We took down the Avengers. Thanos left through a portal to finish the job. Shaker and I stay behind to make sure these guys don't do anything stupid. Strange already gave up the time stone to save Iron Man's life. They had a small argument about Strange decisions and all he says is, "We're in the endgame now." 

I notice that Spiderboy was staring at me the whole time. His red eyes were filled with tears and disbelief. But why?

Nebula was staring at us too. It wasn't long before she came towards us. We didn't attack her or anything because she was Thanos daughter and if we hurt her, he promises to make us fade away with the rest of the world.

She stands in front of us and stares. "He took over your minds. I know this isn't you." Shaker glares and answers, "He gave us everything we wanted. Just listen to what he has to say Nebula. He's making the world a better place." "But he has to kill innocent people in order to do it? Guys, listen to me, this isn't right." Nebula pleads. Shaker rolls her eyes and turns around. Me and Nebula still keep contact. "I know you'll turn normal soon. You're going to regret everything once you're back." She said quietly. I glared at her. "You don't know what I'll..." "I'm talking to Y/n. Not Ghost Ivy." She cuts me off and walks away. 

I know what she means. Ghost Ivy is the tough one. She thinks no one understands what she'll feel. But Y/n agrees with Nebula. Once Y/n comes back out after the war, she'll regret not fighting against this power and being controlled. She always regrets everything.


I see Nebula walk towards Y/n and Crystal. I can see Crystal talking then turning around. Y/n and Nebula have a conversation and Nebula left Y/n with a slightly shocked face. 

She walks back over to us and sits down on the ground. We were all just resting and feeling hopeless. Thanos is back on Earth and is getting the last stone. He's one step closer from erasing half of the population. 

I look back at Y/n and it looks like she had dozed off. She's staring off to space. (God no puns right now Peter, we're in a crisis.) She comes back and jumps a little. She frowns but shakes it off. 

She taps Crystal on the shoulder and whispers something to her. Crystal smirks and nods.

Using my Spidey Sense, I can hear them talk. "It's time." Y/n says. "We are not needed anymore." Crystal understands and pulls out a book and mumbles some words very quietly that not even I can hear. They both stand very still and it looks like something happening to them. I don't know what though.

Ghost Ivy

Thanos got the last stone. He's completed the mission and we are free. We pulled out a journal and mumbles our words that can change us back to our normal selves. We're not supposed to tell anyone what they are though. 

The last thing I remembered was the Avengers calling my name.


What the huh? I'm back?

I look next to me and Crystal is shocked. She sees me and looks triggered. "Y/n? Omigod. Where am I? I feel like I've been asleep for more than 2 months." I look down and whispered, "HYDRA." Crystal follows my eyes. "What? What is HYDRA?" "That place where you've been tortured. You've been mind controlled and given powers." Crystal looks at her hands, shaking. "I-I have powers. But how does it even-" A rock lifts up from the ground and gets thrown at a piece of the ship. Crystal looks at it and starts getting scared. "OMIGOD!! WAS THAT ME?!" 

I try to calm her down then Peter comes from behind me hugs me tightly. "Oh god, you're back. But how?" I shrugged. "I...don't know." Nebula comes from behind us, afraid. "They were not needed anymore. Thanos finished the job." We all exchanged looks. 

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now