I'm Back

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It's just my art up there of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Bucky's head moves up, seeing your face lighted up and confused. Your eye makeup was all smeared and melted, as if you been crying. "Y/n? Do you remember?"

"Being tortured, brainwashed, and force to kill people? Yeah, that's something I wont forget." You roll your eyes and smiled. Bucky smiles back and wipe his tears. "Ewww, were you crying?" You step back, with an gross expression. In your family, Bucky was the one who had feelings, not afraid to show them. You, however, was emotionless like a robot.

"I'm just happy you're ok. " Bucky smiles. You both stand and you quickly complain, "Why am I in a hospital gown? I need some real clothes. "

The only clothes that you had was the one Hydra provided for you. Your mission suit. "It feels weird holding it, bad vibes, but it's the only clothing I have and I still look bad ass in it. " You said as you slip on the suit and Bucky walks to the door. "I'll be the Avengers living room. Come in when you finished changing. "

You nodded and Bucky walks out. When you finished changing, you looked in a mirror that was in the room. You frown, remembering the bad stuff you did and...

Wait, what year is it? God, you had a lot of questions. But to get them answered, you walked out and headed to the living room.

You walked in, unnoticed. You sit on a corner stool as the Avengers argue about a joke Tony and this dude made, in which captain found offensive. "Hi" A soft voice next to you said. Your head turns and you smile.

It's Peter Perfect! I-I mean Parker!

"Hi. Do they, always do this? " You point at the group of people in which the scene is Cap's face turning red, Bucky looks embarrassed, and everyone else is laughing on the floor.

"Yeah. This isn't one of those T.V shows when everyone gets along. " Peter rolls his eyes. You laugh, but confused about what he is taking about.

You guys watch for a bit longer until Peter said, "Did you get them back? " You face him and asked, "Get, what back? " "Your memories. Do you remember anything? " You smile and turn towards the couch, that had white fluff on it because it was set on fire by Tony's suit.

"I remember everything. My home, family, friends... " Then you remember something else. "Hey, um, Peter, right? " He smiles at you. "That's me. " "Um, what, year is it? " "2018. Why? "

You were shocked. 2018? How is this possible?

"Oh! I didn't expect this. I just, uh, missed a friend. Now I've been gone for 70 years, he's probably dead. " You bow your head.

"Oh! I'm sorry. What's his name? " Peter says. You feel like you were going to choke up saying his name, after leaving him for 70 years.

"His name was... Steve. Steve Rogers. He was like a brother to me. "

Peter didn't say, "Aw. I'm so sorry. " Instead, he said, "Oh. You mean that guy? " And point at Captain, who was ignoring people. "What? Why would he be-" You pause. Waaaiiiittt a minute...

Same golden hair and blue eyes. But Cap was tall. Waayy taller than Steve will be. And muscular. But wait, Bucky seems close to Cap. The same way he was to Steve.

You stand up and walk towards "Steve" as Peter asked, "What are you doing? " You stood in front of Cap, grab his hand and pulled him to his feet. "Hey y/n. How are yo-"

You run a hand through his hair with a straight face. Bucky walks next to you. "Y/n? What are you doi-" "Shh." You put a finger to Bucky's lips as you still run your fingers in Cap's hair.

"Hey, uh, are you ok? " Cap asked you. Your hand dropped and you asked, "What's your name? Your real name? "

"Steve Rogers" Is his answer and your eyes widen. Your finger can't stop moving and the tip keeps touching Cap's muscles. "What? " You turn towards Bucky. "WHAT?! " You scream as Bucky smiles. "Yup, that's him. "

"Holy shit! What happened? " You hugged Steve tight. "Language. I took an experiment, turn muscular, fought bad dudes, became famous, froze in a capsule, and then formed the Avengers. "

"Wow. I just, still can't believe your still alive, and Captain America, a strong tall muscular guy. Someone you'll never be. " You smile, finally letting go of him.

"Ok, I'm hurt. That wasn't nice. " "It was the truth. "

Tony stands up. "Ok, family reunion is over! Y/n, I officially welcome you to the Avengers, your room is just down the Hall, Wanda and Natasha will take you shopping, it's ok if you hook up with Peter, yadayadayada... "

"Wait, what? " You, Peter, and Bucky screech. Tony smirks. "Yeah. Me and Wanda just started a ship for Peter and Y/n." "Why? " Your eyes narrowed. "It just seems cute. " Tony shrugged. "It's meant to be! " Wanda's eyes seem like they turned into hearts.

"I, um" Peter stumbles to say. "Y/n's too young to date!" Bucky exclaims. "I'm 16, Buck. " You protest. "Too young. " Bucky growls. "Cancel the ship. " Wanda's heart eyes shatter. "No, their love is too pure, I know it! And it's gonna happen! " "Wanda, cancel the fucking ship. " "No! "

Suddenly, Bucky starts to chase Wanda.

As Bucky and Wanda chased around, Peter asked, "Should I take you to your room? " "Yes please. " You turn on your heels and followed Peter to your new room.

When you enter, the words, "Holy Shit! " Spilled out of your mouth. There was a large black box on the wall, a small box with a plate of words on them, a bunk bed, and the room was decorated with f/c skulls on the wall.

"What the hell is this? " You point at the black box. "That's a TV. " Peter answered. "What kind of TV is that? " "It's the kind we have these days. Well, I mean, no one really has this TV because Mr. Stark made it and he said he'll sell them soon... 3 years ago. "

Hmm... Everything just seems so different, like it's the future! Oh wait, it is...

"Listen, I have to go, " Peter finally snapped you out of your thoughts. "But is was nice knowing you. " Then he blushed. Literally blushed, at you! "Yeah, you too. " You blush back. Ugh, feelings again!

Peter waved and walked out the room. You watched him walked out the door and as soon as he left the door frame, Bucky appeared, with a frowny face.

"What were you two talking about? " He glares.

"Bucky! It's nothing. I've been back for 30 mins and your already being overprotective. " You rolled your eyes.

"You guys were blushing. Do you like him? " Bucky eyes you.

"Well... " How should you respond? He is cute, but does he feel the same way? Hell yeah he should! You're sexy.

"I'm not sure, but I assure you that nothing is happening right now. " You told Bucky.

"Mhm." Is all he says and he walks out.

Yeah, nothing's happening, for now. 😈

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now