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I lay on my bed, just thinking about life. How much it sucks, until...



It's been at least a week since I've  escape HYDRA. And my big brother won't stop bugging me. I drag my feet across the floor trying to go down the stairs, but then stop halfway. "What? " I gritted my teeth.

"Get your sassy flat ass down here. " He called, his back towards me.

"I don't have a flat butt... "

"Anyways, " Bucky turns to see me standing behind him and then he looks startled. "How the fuck did you get down here so quickly? " I shrugged. "Mhm." Bucky glares and says, " We're going to need to put a bell on you. Anyways, I have news. "

"You're going to stop being a huge jerk and finally let me have a life? "

"Um, no. Well, I guess I'll let you have a life cause guess what? " Then Bucky pulled out jazz hands. "You're going to school! "

I stare blankly at him and as soon as he blinked, I disappeared. "Y/n? Where the hell did you go? Y/n?! "

"I'm not going to school! " I called out from my room. Bucky sighs and walks upstairs to my doorway and see me on my bed with the super high tech phone on my bed that I'm still trying to figure out how to work.

"Hey sis, guess what? I don't care. You need friends. "Bucky crosses his arms. I open my mouth to protest but then Bucky stops me with a answer. " Not just Spiderboy, you need more friends. " "Ugggghhhhhhhhhh... "
The next morning

"Y/n!  Breakfast ready! " Natasha yells out. I finished tying my shoes, grab my backpack and slowly walked downstairs.

I still don't get how Bucky will do this to me. You can't make a girl go to school if she don't want to. And you most definitely can't use "Parker will be with you all day. " As an excuse!

I groaned as I made my way to the table. Natasha put a plate of eggs, pancakes, and bacon in front of me and I mumbled a thank you.

She saw how depressed I was and tried to cheer me up by saying, "Hey, I know you don't want to go to school, and I don't want to train with Steve, but it's the only way to make them shut up. And we'll probably beat them up is they say 'See? That wasn't so bad. '"

I get what she means tho, Bucky and Steve are the type to say 'See? That wasn't so bad. ' when someone does what they told and ended up liking it.

Yeah, if he said it to me he'll end up liking the oh-so thoughtful punch I give him.

"Yeah, " I chuckled. I finished breakfast as soon as Peter came in. "Hey everyone. " He waves and smiles. I smile too and ran over to him.

"Hi Peter. " I stand in front of him and wave. Peter looks down at me and says, "Are you ready to go to hell? "

"Oh, honey, I've already been in hell #1, this finna be hell #2."

Peter laughs. "Come on, we're gonna be late. "

I follow him and wave bye to Natasha and the others, who just came in. They all wave back and Sam calls out, "Don't beat up anyone! " I'm now in the elevator and then I grin at him. "Can't promise that! " Then the elevator door closed.

At School

I walked in the school and it was huge. TV's were placed on the walls and a huge selection of lockers were also on the walls. Not to mention, too many students. Ugghhhh, I hate being center of attention.

Peter nudge me. "Come on. I'll show you around. " He showed me classes, office, band rooms, computer room, gymnasium, and finally we stopped at my locker, which was placed by his.

As we walk there, I saw a chubby guy in a hat standing in front of our lockers. "Ned! " Peter ran up to him and they did this weird handshake as I walked up behind him.

When they finished, the guy who's name is Ned looked at me then grin at Peter. "Whose the hottie Peter? You never bring hot girls, or boys, or anyone period, we're lonely. "

I flushed and Peter introduced me. "This is y/n. She just transfer here. She's actually a major in history. " I wave at Ned.

"Ooo, a history nerd. I'm Ned. I like technology. " He shook my hand and smiled.

A bell rang and Peter dragged me to our first class.


It turns out that I won't be with Peter all day, and the class that I'm in doesn't have Ned either, so I'm all alone. I decided to sit next to a girl with brown curly hair that is up in a ponytail. She's reading a book and doesn't seem to care about anyone. I might like her.

I sat down and the teacher begins here lesson. I gazed over to the girl, she's still reading. The teacher just finished the lesson, in which claims to be the hardest thing you'll ever learn.

She called on random people and ask them a question, they all got it wrong. She said that no one was paying attention to get anything right. Then her eyes lay on the girl next to me. She knew that she was reading throughout the whole lesson, so she asked her a question. The girl kept reading but then answered... Correctly. Everyone stared surprise and even the teacher.

Sooner or later, the bell rang. The brown girl left first with her eyes still on the book. I then left after her and made my way to my locker. It's suppose to be lunch time so when I arrived at my locker, Peter was waiting and we walked to the cafeteria. After we got our lunch, we sat at a table where Ned was.

They talked about this moving picture called Star Wars, and I just looked around. Surprisingly, the brownie girl with a book was sitting at the end of the table. I scooted towards her and said Hi. She didn't look up. I sighed and said, "Hey ugly. " She finally got out of the book and looked at me.

"Hey, you sat next to me last period right? " "Yeah, and you're the one who seems to always be on her period. " I smiled at her and she grin backed. We talked for a while, she told me that her name was Michelle too. "My friends call me MJ." "I thought you didn't have friends..." And we also ended up insulting each other. She said she accept me for being an asshole and it's now an honor to be friends. I looked back a Peter, who was looking at some... Other girl?!

Her hair was kinda like the color of Michelle and it out and wavey. She was hanging up a banner for something called homecoming.

Is she trying to take my boo? I'll hang her up instead of that banner.

MJ follows my gaze. "You with Peter? " She snaps me out of my devilish thoughts. "Yeah, he's close to my family. " "Oh, that's cool. " As soon as the girl left, Peter looked down the table and waved at us. I smiled and wave back and MJ stuck up the middle finger.

Lunch was finally over and soon, so was school. Peter walked me home. "So, how was your first day of school? " "I actually liked it, but now I don't wanna go home. " I frowned. Peter frowned too. "Why? " "Bucky's going to say 'See? That wasn't so bad', and then he's going to need to go the hospital because I'll hurt him too much. "

Peter chuckled and left me to go inside. We both wave at each other and the elevator door closed. I walked into the living room and everyone was sitting there.

"How was school? " Thor asked.

"It was ok. "

I saw Bucky open his mouth, so I ran upstairs. "NOT GONNA HEAR IT! "

I sat on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Immediately, my mind went to  Peter, then the girl. Ugh, does he like her? He better not. Back off Biocth, he's mine.

A/n: I only have to go to school 3 days this week, so I have 2 days off and then another 2 weeks off because of Christmas and New Year's, so I might be updating a lot. Hooray!

Bye Friends!

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now