Its Always Her...

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Pacify her. She's getting on my nerves.
You don't love her. Stop lying with those words.


I've gone to school regularly, got use to technology, Peter showed me this thing called Vines. I was finally like an 2018's teenager. Minus the attitude. I already had that.

So, I was up in my room, watching vines on my phone when I got a notification from Peter. He was supposed to be here for tutoring in math, which I totally suck at, but I guess he's not coming, because the notification says...

Peter😅: Can't come over today. Liz ask for help with homecoming planning.

I stared at my phone. I felt taking out my Katana and just stabbing my phone.

Liz. It's always Liz. He's always with Liz.

Liz Allan. UGH! She's pretty and nice, but when you need Peter, she always had him first. It makes it worst that he always had googly eyes for her.

The next day I arrived at school,  I wanted to wait by his locker so we can go to class together, but when i got there, he was there...with Liz.

I turned on my heels, walking away so fast that he didnt have enough time to see me. I went to the bathroom, and went into a stall. i started crying and cried until someone knocked on my stall door.

"Hey, uh, are you ok in there?" A girl asked. I opened the stall and the girl who knocked stood there, confused. I wiped my tears. "Yeah, I'm ok." "Then why are you crying?" This girl is trying to get on my nerves. "It's about a...boy." I said. "OOOHHHH! Spill the tea. But first of all, I knocked because i needed to use the bathroom. Can I go?" Then the girl started to do the pee pee dance. " Oh! Yeah, sure." I moved out of the way and before she closed the door, she said, " BTW, my name is Crystal." The girl with sunglasses on her dirty blonde hair, and with beautiful hazel eyes smiled at me.


Michelle wasn't here today and I didn't want to see Peter right now when all he'll be doing is staring at Liz, so when Crystal asked if I can sit with her friends, I took that offer. Crystal introduces me to her friends and they all got over me. I liked this group quick.

"So! Today, I saw Bianca and Randy kiss in the hallway. " Lannie, a girl with blue eyes and light brown hair said. These people only talk about tea. Which I don't have a problem with. I love spilling tea. They are the Tea Spillers in the school.

"Really? " I bite into my fry. "I thought he was dating Alexa? "

"Exactly! I thought so too. He's a f**k boy. " Lannie ate her burger.

"Yeah, " Jillian (Red hair and brown eyes) chimed in. "He also dated Daisy, Charlie, and Kellie. "

The girls kept talking about gossip when I look around. My eyes settled on the table where Ned, Peter and some person, I can't see through all these people walking. The pathway finally cleared and the person who was sitting with the boys finally cleared. It looked like... Liz?! I clutched my fist in anger and Crystal saw me.

"Hey, you good? " She puts an hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, you fist is crunched so hard, if you punch somebody, your knuckles will be the highlight of the punch. " Hailey (dark brown skin, black hair, and green eyes, just like her twin, Olivia.) Said.

"Remember the boy I was talking about? " I told them. "Peter Parker? The surprisingly cute boy? " Annette (British, teal eyes, and blonde hair.) Raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. He's sitting with Liz Allan. " Olivia calls out. "Yeah, no shit Liv. " Hailey rolls her eyes and Olivia glares.

"Oh hell naw! That ain't cute. " Lannie shakes her head. Suddenly, Liz gets up from the table, waves at Peter and smiles as we all look at her with frowns and shaking our head. She gets to our table. "Hi! You must be Y/n. Peter told me about you and your friendship. " Friendship? I'm pretty sure we all thought that because we all had the same disgust face on when Liz said Friendship.

"Yeah! You guys are cute friends with no benefits whatsoever, right?! Right! So, Peter is mine, I had him first and I already know he likes me so back off! Bye! " Liz skips off into the hallway.

Jillian does the lean back meme (I fell in love with that meme. It's a mood.) "Girl... "

"What the bloody hell gives her the right to claim Peter? " Annette stares at Liz as she still skips away.

"I don't know. But all I know is that we should get Peter before she does. Right? " Crystal chants. "Right! " All of the girls respond. "Right... Wait, what? " I just realized what Crystal had said.

"We are getting you Peter before Liz does. He belongs to you! " Hailey slams a fist on the table and does a apologetic wave to the lunch lady who glares at her.

"Guys, I don't really think... " "End of DISCUSSION! Peter is yours! You had him first! " Annette exclaims. "Yeah! " All the girls cheered and a few people turned to look at them. Even Peter.

I blushed hard and hid my face in embarrassment.

Here goes nothing.

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now