This is Home

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 Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate


Why is she here? In HYDRA?

"Crystal? Look, we don't want to fight. We just wanna get out of here. We can help you too. We can help you get home." Peter holds out a hand.

"I'm not going home. HYDRA is my home. I belong here. And you do too Y/n." Crystal walks towards me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I was speechless enough to even respond to her. Who brought her here?

"Crystal, this isn't right, you have to-"

"SHUT UP! I'm not Crystal. I'm Shaker." Crystal smirks then pound her hands to the ground to create an earthquake.

I fell to the ground on top of Peter and sat in shock as Peter got back up to fight.

Crystal had powers? Why didn't she tell me? Well, we mostly only talked for at least 20 minutes together before the cafe incident, but STILL!

Crystal and Peter falls numerous times but both keep getting back up and fighting.

Something has to help get her memory back. I pace around trying to figure out and find clues while Peter continues to fight Crystal.

I was going through a drawer back in Crystal's room when the wall breaks.

I duck down to take cover and when the dust clears, I see Crystal standing on top of the pieces of the wall.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Y/n, hasn't your mother told you not to go through other people's stuff? "

Ok, Crystal, I love you, but you just f****d up.

I turned invisible and moved quietly as Crystal yells. "Hey? Where you go? " 

I found a knife in one of her other drawers and I stare at it with disappointment. Should I really do it? Crystal doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to be in HYDRA. They just took her as they took me. 

But then, she just insulted me.

"Where are you? Come out!" Crystal's face was mixed with anger and confusion. Then I reappeared behind her and hit her hard with the back of the knife. She was knocked out.

I took a deep breath, Maybe I hit her too hard? 

She's bleeding.


I ran to Crystal's side, her head was bleeding a lot. I panicked, trying to figure out what to do.


I don't respond. I still trying to figure out what to do.

All of a sudden, Peter is right beside me. He didn't talk, so he seemed shocked too.

"Come on y/n, we gotta go." Peter helps me stand. "No, we have to help Crystal!" I pointed at her. Peter stares then bends down to put two fingers on her neck. "She's dead Y/n." My eyes widen and I start to cry. I couldn't even function, so Peter had to lift me up and take me out of the building."No. No,no,no,no,no. We can't leave her there!" I yell. "We can't do anything, y/n. It'll be too late to take her to the hospital." Peter runs out of the building and starts to swing away with me in his arms.

My arms swing around Peter's neck and I cry into his shoulders.


Peter and I arrive at the tower and I stand in front of the door as Peter walks in.

"Why are we here?" I asked with my tears finally dry.

"You're going to talk to Bucky," Peter says as my eyes widen.

"Nope. Nope, nope,nope,nope,no-" " Hey Peter. Hey Y/n." Bucky stares at me sadly.

I tried to act tough but seeing Bucky standing there with a sad face, I ran towards him and gave him a hug. "I'm so sorry. I was being a selfish brat. I won't ever do that again. I was so stupid."

"No, I'm sorry y/n. I was keeping you trapped in this tower and you seem strong enough to keep yourself safe. I'll let you go back to school."

"Omigosh, really?!" I pulled back happily and bounced.

"Yeah, I guess. It honestly wasn't my idea. Steve told me it was for the best." Bucky shrugged.

I was so happy. I finally moved back in.

Later that night

"Crystal? You have to snap out of it. Please!" I quivered

"Snap out of it? Y/n, I'm not being mind controlled. I chose this life. I wanted to do this. And you should too." Crystal says.

"No, its-"


Crystal stands shocks then her eyes roll back. "No!" Crystal falls and a figure stands behind her with a gun.

It was me.

I woke up in sweat, took deep breaths, then fell back asleep.

The next day I went back to school. 

The dream wandered at the back of my head for a while until the announcements came on and said, "Students, we had reported a missing student from this school. Her name is Crystal Perro. If you have seen this student, then please report to the principals' office." I started to shake when the announcements spoke then pulled up my hoodie. Peter notice my fear then hugged me and whispered into my ear, "Everything is going to be all right." 

I nodded and went to class. I avoid talking to anybody and everyone found me weird. The tea spillers even tried to talk to me, but I cut them off and they all seemed pissed. I finally came home and thought about Crystal.

"Holy shit, what am I going to do?"

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now