Nintendo Game

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And we could grow up, but it's no fun that way. And so we treat love, like it's a Nintendo Game, but nobody wins.


Ever since the incident at Delmar's, Bucky wouldn't let me leave the tower. Which made me pissed for 2 reasons.
1. I couldn't see Michelle or the Tea Spillers again
2. Bucky was the one who said I needed to get out of the tower and make friends, and now I just lost them. Stupid.

I laid on my bed, staring up on the ceiling. Tony had made me this watch thing, idk how it works. I pressed random buttons until...

"Hello Y/n."

"AUGH! "

I threw the watch across the room. I stared at the watch from a distance, my legs close to my chest.

"Did the watch just... talk? " I gasped. I went to the side of the room that the watch was on and pick it up. I pressed the same button again and, "What did I do wrong, Ms. Barnes? "

"Holy-! " My hand flew to my chest. "What does Tony make these days? "

"I'm a/n. (the name of your AI) " The watch says.

"Why are you talking? Who are you? " I can't believe I'm talking to a watch.

"Tony Stark created me to help you. I'll help you while you're on missions or want to hack systems. "

"What the...Why would I want to do tha-you know what that sounds fun. "

So Tony wants me to help on missions, huh?

The watch told me how to activate, and I learned quickly. I'm a fast adapter and learner.

Suddenly, Steve calls me down for dinner. I walked down and I acted normal, normal as in I'm not pissed over Bucky. Today was Steve's turn to cook, and nobody likes when Steve cooks.

Don't get me wrong, Steve is a great cook, but what he decides to make isn't. Today, we had Pasta with broccoli and healthy chicken. Everyone groan but still ate. It was a quiet dinner because nobody bother to talk while Steve and Tony was having a fight because Tony would pick out broccoli.

After dinner, I went up to Tony to ask about the watch. "Everyone has one, " He says. "It's to communicate with each other, help hacking, and project a TV. "

"Why would I want to project a TV? " I asked. "I dunno, " He shrugs. "I made it because I usually use it during meetings. Welp, I'll be in my lab. Bye kid. " Then he walks off.

I watched him walk to his lab, then when he disappeared, I walked back to my room, by passing the living room, where Bucky, Steve, and Natasha sat. As I passed, Bucky playfully glares at me, Steve waves, and Natasha does our language, (she taught me and Wanda Russian so nobody can get in our business) to say, "Питер ждет в вашей комнате. " Peter is waiting in your room. Then she winks as Bucky and Steve stares at her crazy, then at me because I nodded like I understood.

Yesterday, when Bucky Towered me, Peter came through the window when  I was alone and asked to be my boyfriend. Of course I said yes. Then we had a kiss. A. Kiss.

It wasn't long before someone opened the door and said, "WHAT THE FU-?! " Loud enough for Steve to hear. "So you two are dating now? " Natasha grins. "Umm... Uhhh... " Peter stutters so I had to help him. "Yes, we are. "

When I got to my room, I saw Peter sprayed out on my bed, legs straight, one hand letting his head lean on for support and another on his hip. "Hey baby. " Peter smiles. I laughed went over to him and pushed him out of that position. We both laughed for a while before, "Oh! I got something. Mr. Stark brought it for us. " Peter rumbles through his bag then finally pulls out a small black box with a red and a blue canoe shape things that has buttons on them.

I scooted closer to Peter. "What is that? " "It's a Nintendo Switch. Look. " He plugs connects the NS to the TV and a game comes up called Kirby. I stared in awe as Peter chuckles and the takes the canoes off of the box. "Peter! You broke it! " I panicked. Peter then laughs again. "It can be reattached, it's fine. " Peter hands me the red remote and presses play.

1 hour and a half later...

"Y/n! Grab the fire power up! " Peter yells. I moved my character up and it connected with the fire power. "Got it! " I got used to the game after it took Peter an half an hour to help me.

We finally completed the level because my character died many times. We cheered and then start to connect our lips to each other. We finally pulled back, then stared at each other with goofy smiles. Then again, it was peaceful until...

"Hey guys, we were about to play a board game. Wanna-WHAT THE HECK?! "

"Oh my god, I have to start closing my door. "

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now