My Strange Addiction

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Cause you are my strange addiction


As I thought, Peter still isn't talking to me. But I didn't think he'll stop talking period. 

He has completely shut everyone out. 

He doesn't come out of the room to eat or to use the bathroom. He doesn't train or follow Tony around asking questions and continuously bugging him.

He's not being himself.

All cause I broke up with him.

It's my fault.

It is currently Friday, May 20. It's been a week and a few days since Crystal's death and 2 days since me and Peter broke up.

Today is supposed to be a Field Trip because school's gonna end soon and the teachers wanted us to do something fun. I didn't entirely listen to where we are going, but all I know is that Peter's not gonna miss this trip.

Aunt May had to bring his stuff and pajamas cause he won't leave the room. She even tried to talk to him, but it wasn't enough.

I finished packing my bag and went downstairs for some food, thinking about Peter.

I missed him. 

His laugh.

His smile.

His touch.

Those two nights, I stand in front of Peter's door. I stare at it for a good amount of 5 minutes. Then I raise my fist and try to make it connect to the door. My fist softly touches the door but it doesn't make a sound. I stand back and put my back against the wall. I sit on the floor and sit there, shaking, craving for Peter's love. 

I want him back. 

I need him like a prescription. 

I sit at the table. Pancakes were being served and I grabbed two. I ate quietly while the Avengers were in the living room. They didn't talk to me cause they knew if they did, I would pull out my katana in 0.5 seconds and slice every single one of them. 

Cause the reason I'm struggling is because of them. They told me to break up with Peter.

I finally finished eating and it was time to go. I grabbed my bag and went out the door with no goodbyes. I picked a different driver today because I know that Peter wants to take Happy and he doesn't want to see me right now. My driver got me to school and when I got out, I saw Michelle. "Michelle!" I call out her name and she looks up from the book she was reading and waved at me. I made my way to her and she greets me. "Hey, long time no see." She says. "Yeah. I've been busy." I said, chuckling. "Doing what?" She says. I started having flashbacks and responded back with,"College Applications and Jobs." 

Michelle seemed surprised and changed the subject. "You ready for this field trip?" 

"Yeah." I shrugged. "What is this for?" I asked. She also shrugs. "I don't know. When do I ever pay attention in class." I laugh and answered. "Never." Michelle points at me. "Correct! Let's go to the gym. They announced for us to got there." Michelle starts to walk into the school along with the other students. I turned around, hoping to see Peter walk up to the school at some point. No car ever came up to the school.

I sighed, disappointed, and walked into the school.

Later at the assembly.

The principal gave us a whole speech over what we're doing, why we're doing it and what we're going to do.

I still look around the gym, trying to find browns curls poking out in the crowd. 

The gym suddenly got louder and I lost my focus on looking for brown curls. I saw Michelle staring at me and I knew what she was going to say. "I was just staring at a...poster." I tried to lie. All she does is shrug and motions me to move. "Come on, we gotta get on the bus." I nodded and followed her. 

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now