They don't know me

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I don't have to live by your rules. (You don't control me). Until you walked a mile in my shoes.

"Bucky! It's not what it looks like! " I jumped out of bed to explain.

"It sure the hell looks like Parker is kissing my sister! " Bucky yells.

"Oh maybe it is what it looks like. "

"Ohhhh! Who's kissing? " Sam's head pops in. "Mr. Parker and Ms. Barnes! Oooohhhaawww! Great job guys. I owe Scott 30 bucks. " Sam sadly complains and drags his feet in the hallway to Scott's room, who moved in a few days ago.

Bucky is still glaring at us.

"Look Bucky, " I lead Bucky to the hallway. I took a deep breath as Bucky still frowns. "I like Peter, he likes me. We started dated, like, yesterday. Please don't kill me or him. We're happy with each other. See? " We both turned to Peter, who was nervously playing with his sleeve. He looked up and wave his hand really fast. I turn back to Bucky and he's still frowning. "Look Bucky, you're supposed to be the big brother who will secretly kill my boyfriend behind my back if he ever breaks my heart. Not the father who ever sees a boy next to me will kill him right in my face. That should be Steve, and I'm saying that cause I know he won't, so I'll be fine. "

Bucky sighs. "I'm honestly fine with you dating Peter, but that just puts you out there more. Hydra could easily take you and Peter. "

"But we'll be in the tower. I'll be fine. " I argue. "Y/n, we live with Tony Stark. Lots of people hate and want to kill him and watches him with cameras. "

"Ugh, you're right. " I mumble. Bucky sighs once again. "Ok. I'll let you and Peter date. But if anything happens to you, I will ground you and hurt Peter. And if he breaks your heart, I'll kill him. Got that Parker? " Bucky calls to Peter, who nods roughly.

"Good." Then Bucky walks away.

I sighed hard them walked back to the room with Peter and the Nintendo Switch.

The next day

I woke up like, "AWWW, I HAVE SCHOOL!! " Then was like, Oh. No school. Hm. "

I climbed out of bed and went downstairs, in which breakfast and the Avengers was waiting for me.

"So, " Bucky started to say as I sat down. "Me and the Avengers decided... " "I can go back to school?! " I say excitedly. "No. But about school, we think you school be home school. "
Bucky says. "What? " I said. "Yeah, and while you're learning about basic subjects, you can also have a class where you train your powers. " "What? "

"You don't like it? " Wanda asked in a thick accent. "I like it. It's kinda a good idea.. " I started. "Kinda? " Thor said. "Good? " Tony grumbled. "Kid, everything I do is great. I helped come up with the plan. They said you said it'll be great! They lied! " He yells then went back to stabbing his waffle.

I lean back a bit. "What I'm trying to say is, I don't wanna be in the tower. I wanna go out and do stuff like a normal kid. "

"But you're not a normal kid. " Clint said. "Well maybe if you let me experience then I can learn to be normal! " I started to shout. "Y/n, stop shouting. It's not that big of a deal. " Bucky tried to say calmly.

"Not a big deal? I have been stuck in a abandoned warehouse, torture, for 70 years. And now you wanna lock me in the tower for the rest of my life? I'm not doing this. I hate being locked in one place, all it does is remind me of the hate I was given and being used. And I bet you guys only want me for your missions, huh?! "

"Y/n, that's not... " Natasha started but then was cut off by Bucky, slamming his metal arm on the table so hard, it almost broke. "Look, Y/n, I'm sick of your attitude. You are going to cooperate because it's better for you. "

I stood up. "How do you know what's good for me?! Do you have any idea what I've been through?! Try walking in my shoes for a mile, maybe you'll understand! "

"Of course I understand, y/n! I experienced the pain. Hell, I was with you when we both experienced that pain, together, for 70 years! Yes, I can't experienced your pain of not being a free teenager. But it's not my fault, it's not your fault, by any means, it's Steve's fault! " Bucky pointed at Steve. "Hey! " Steve grumbled.

"But your making it seem like it's my fault that you had to suffer! " Bucky continues. "Because it is! You left me to go fight in that stupid war! " I protest. "I was helping other people! Other than you! " Bucky said. "And you know what? You're acting like a spoiled selfish brat and I hate it! Try living without no one. See what happens and maybe you'll understand why people who has no home or food unlike you needs help. Try to live with me or the rest of the Avengers! What if we kick you out? What will you do? Huh?! " Bucky says.

"Maybe we'll find out. " I move away from the table and went to my room.


"Well, that was awkward... " Thor stated.

In y/n's room.

"Hey, Peter? " I sniffle through the phone. "Hey y/n? Are you ok? " Peter sounds, not a little, a lot worried. "Do you think your Aunt May will allow me to stay at your house this week? " I asked

Half an hour later

I lay on Peter's bed while he was in the shower.

I finally had met May and she allowed me to stay at her house. She even told me a story when she and her siblings had a fight so big, one of them even moved out. I felt comfortable here.

Peter came out of the bathroom wearing shorts but no shirt on. His curls were a wet and soggy. "How are you doing? " He asked while he was getting a shirt out. "I'm fine. " I grumbled, my face was half buried into the pillow as I stared at the wall. Peter chuckled as he pulled on his shirt and dried his hair. He made his was towards me and kissed my forehead, then sat on the bed to pull on his shoes.

"Well, today is Friday, so I'll be yours all weekend. " Peter says. "You sure you don't wanna try to come to school? " "No, Bucky was right. I don't wanna put myself out there. " I said, then complain because I realized I just said that Bucky was right.

"Well, ok. I'll see you after school. Bye darling. " Peter lifted my head to kiss my lips, then walked out to head to school.

I spent a few hours in the house with Aunt May, which wasn't so bad. I feel like I rather to stay here. I don't need Bucky or the Avengers or exciting danger in my life.

I don't need to go back

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now