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Give you the whole world, I'ma need space


Y/n and I just arrived back at the tower and I had a bandage wrapped around my waist, where I had been shot. I healed pretty quickly but everyone is still making me rest. I'm laying on my bed in the spare room Mr. Stark gave me for whenever I came over to hang out. I was just laying in my bed reading a comic book when Y/n walked into my room. I noticed how she shuffled her feet against the carpet as she walked towards me. "For the last time Y/n, I'm ok," I told her. She sat on the bed playing with the hem of her shirt. "That's not what I want to talk about." She said.

"Ithinkweshouldbreakup." She rushed out the words and my eyes widen. "What?" I felt tears well up. "I'm sorry. It's not you, it's just-" "Don't finish that sentence. Every girl says that and it's always the boy's fault." I interrupted her. "That's not-" "Just leave y/n," I turned on my side, where I can't see Y/n. She hesitated to get up but then left. Once the door closed, I let the tears flow. What did I do?


He didn't do anything. He didn't even let me finish talking. This was all the Avengers idea. They thought it was smart to break up with Peter so we can all be safe. I honestly think it was also a good idea. I love Peter, but if this drama goes any further, we can all die quicker than Thanos' snap. 

Wait, holy sh*t.

Did I just predict the future?

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now