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And it's a whole lotta love, ain't try to waste it. Like we
be running the mile and never make it.


My friends plans a plot on how to get Peter for me after school at Delmar's. They sit and talk while I look out the window. People pass while time flies until Peter comes in.


He walks to the counter and orders an original sandwich. He didn't notice me yet, but I tried to escape before he did. "Y/n? " Annette calls to me. "What are your doing, Love? "

I did this weird hand gesture and they immediately figured out what the problem was. They all flipped and freaked out, then a big grin appeared on all of they're face. They chilled down and sat properly. I was confused until this happened...

"Hey, Y/n. Crystal, Lannie, Jillian, Hailey, Olivia, Annette. " Peter said.

They all share looks then looks back at   Peter. "Hi Peter! "

"Y/n, can I talk to you for a bit? " Peter asked.

"Umm... " "She loves to! " Crystal pushed me off of the chair and towards Peter. He walks out with me and when I turned around, the girls has this "It'll be ok" Look.

When we reached out the door, Peter asked, "Are you ok? " My eyes looked deep into his. "What do you mean? " "Have you been jealous? " "What? Why are you asking-" "Crystal." What?

"Crystal did what?! " "Yeah, she wanted me and you to get together? "

Oh my god, I'm going to rip off Crystal's mouth.

"Y/n, do you... like me? " Peter started to blush.

Crap. Crap.Crap. Crap. Crap

"I-uh.. " All of a sudden, gunshots fired inside of the building.

The girls.

Me and Peter run inside of the building and there were men with guns and one of them had a gun pointed at Olivia.

I wanted to yell at them to stop, but Peter put a hand over my mouth and moved me behind a counter where no one can see us.

"We have to change. " He whispered. I nodded and took out my Katana, place two fingers to the side and slide them across the sword, which caused me to change immediately to an f/c jacket and dress, black long knee socks and boots with the mask I always had wore.

When I finished, Peter was already in his spiderman suit. "I'm going to distract them. Find a hiding place and surprise attack them on my signal. " He whispers to me as I nodded and found a fitting place into the cabinets on a high shelf.

When I made it in, I couldn't close the cabinet because it'll make too much noise, so I turned invisible and waited for the signal.

Peter hung upside down in front of the men. "Hey guys! Nice day we're having, right? It'll actually be a lot nicer of you just let go of the girl. "

One man looked at the other and smiled. He started step one of pulling the trigger. "Whoa, whoa, whoa buddy! That's not ok! " Peter jumped down and hold up his hands. "Put the gun down. " Peter's hands dropped which was my signal. I dropped down and slashed the guy who was holding Olivia on the back.

He let go of her and the gun. Spidey webbed up the gun and started going after the other guy. I safely made sure that everyone was out of the building and safe, then I went to go help Spidey.

I turned invisible and went after the slashed guy who tried to get up. My feet swept under him, causing him to fall again. He sat up and my Katana goes to his neck. "Any last words before you're put up in prison? " I smirked.

"Only 9. " The man grinned evilly and pulled out a dusty old journal. The dusty old journal they had just like the one in HYDRA. Because it is HYDRA's.

"Oh no. No, no, no. " I tried to back up but the man grabbed my foot and pulled me down. He flipped through pages until he stopped on the one with the horrible words. Trigger Words.


Alone. Black. Kids. " He says. My hands cover my ears trying to block out the sound. "Stop! Stop! " I scream out but he doesn't care. "Closet. Sixteen. Shiny. " He still continues. I can hear Peter yell. He tried to help by trying to web the guy's mouth closed, but he missed because the other threw him out of balance.

"Parts. Light. Br-"


Why did he stop? What happened? I can't move because he was so close to taking over my mind and I felt so weak.

Someone ran up to me.


"Y/n?! Are you ok? Answer me! It's going to be all right, ok? " I still don't move, my hands still covering my ears, my face buried into the ground. Someone picks me up, I'm assuming it's Steve, I can't tell, my eyes are still closed. He puts me on his back and carries me into the car. He placed me on the back seat and I can feel his hands in my hair. "Bucky was right. You're not ready for the real world, not when all of these people are going after you. " The door then close and the car starts to drive.


I texted my friends to see if they're ok. Especially Olivia. They all say they are ok and when I put down my phone, someone knocks on my door. "Come in. "

The door opens and reveals Peter. I sit up but still don't face him. I can hear his footsteps walk towards my bed and he sits down on it.

It was quiet. I didn't like it, so I started a conversation, a stupid one.

"I was jealous. " I let out a soft voice. Peter raised his head up. "What? " I let out a big sigh. " I was jealous of you liking Liz and her liking you. I just thought that you would want me instead of her. But I guess I was wrong and I'm not the one controlling your love life. I hope you and Liz are happy together. "

Peter is confused. "Well, um, I like Liz, " I sighed again. "I knew it. " " But I wouldn't date her. " I picked my head up and looked at him. "What? " Peter smiled and shrugged. "Not much of my type. I honestly would like to date you. If-if that's ok with you! And your brother, of course. He'll tears of both of my arms instead of one. "

I laughed. "I'm not sure my brother will like it. But I will. " Peter's eyes widen. "Really? " "Sure spider boy. "
Then my lips crash with his. We did it for a while until I pulled back. When I did, I smirked at him and he blushed furiously. "Is that a yes? " "Of course. " We smiled at each other for a long time until the unexpected came from an unexpected person.


A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now