New Friends

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Oh, Ah, I call you out again. I think I think I need some new friends

Every day I go back to school, I become more distant to people. I haven't talked to the tea spillers since Crystal's death. They all think I'm ignoring them on purpose and they hate being ignored. Ever since they've been bullying me.

"Get up loser!" Annette yells at me while recording a video. I slowly raised in front of the blondie. We were in the hallway at the back of the school that no one ever goes to. I had a bloody nose, bruised eye, and blood was somehow coming out of my mouth. I looked Annette in her evil, dark teal eyes as she glares right into my soul. "Tell anyone about this and I will make god wish he didn't even make you a thought." Then she walked away with the other girls behind her. 

Annette became the leader after Crystal's death because what I heard her tell the other girls. "I was closer to Crystal. So if anything, I should be the new leader. Plus, I'm cuter, smarter, and more popular than any of you." Olivia was going to protest until Annette threatened to throw her out of the group if she disagrees. 

When the girls finally left, Peter appeared behind me. "HOLY SHNITZEL STICKS!" I jumped when I turned to look at a wide-eyed boy. "Y/n! OMG! Are you ok?! Who did this to you? I swear to god, I will murder..." "Peter chill, I'm fine." I hold my hands up and smile to show I'm ok. Peter gave me an unsure look, but then wave it off. 

It was at the end of the school day and Peter and I was about to do patrol. We were just seconds away from the door when it exploded. "JEEPER NUTS! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I yelled and cough through loud noises and smoke. People with extremely long hair and in black suits came through the wall. There were 2 females and 2 males. 

And they had octopus symbols on their shirts. Oh shit.

"There she is!" One of them yelled. They all looked at me and I looked around. "Who, me? What did I do? I'm an innocent school girl." I did my puppy eyes. They all glared so hard at me it could have made a hole in my soul. "Cut the crap! We know you killed Shaker!" Another one said. Me and Peter got up and I was beyond pissed with them taking up my time.

"Look," I started in a low voice. "That girl you capture wasn't 'Shaker'. That's Crystal. You just took an innocent girl and her life away. And now you're taking my time to eat tacos and watch tv away. So move before I take away something that permanently belongs to you. And thinks about the body parts that hurt the most." One of the males covers his balls with his hands.

"We're not scared of you." A female stood in front of the others like she was the leader. She pulled out a gun and pointed at me. Peter started to panic and I lift my hands a little to calm him down. "Come with us or you die." The female said. I quickly wanted to go with the answer to go with them, but Peter would immediately protest. But I also don't wanna die. Tough decisions.

"Shut up Jillian, I know I left my phone in this hallway." A voice around the corner said. "No, it's not Annette! You're calling your boyfriend on your phone!" I could hear Jillian yell and imagine her face turning red. Once they all turn the corner, they all seen the scene happening and stood in shock while Lannie faints. 

"Ok, what the f**k is going on here?" Annette's eyes turn to the women holding the gun at me and fake gags. "That hair looks like the edges have been dipped in dark throw-up." The female seemed offended and pulled out a dart gun and shot it right at Annette's neck. Annette faints and everyone stares at her. "B***H IS GONE!" Hailey and Olivia scream and they all walked away cheering while pulling Lannie. While the lady's focus was on Annette, I made my way to take her gun and point it back at her. As I do, everyone else puts up their guns and Peter immediately falls to the ground. "Oh, god, Peter!" I dropped the gun and ran towards Peter who now had a dart in his neck. Then another wall exploded and I was getting tired of all of this action. But this time, behind that wall stood all the Avengers. Wait, why all of them? This isn't a big threat.

"Step away from the children now. We already killed the rest of you." Tony said through his suit. I looked behind him and there were thousands of dead people. Holy crap.

The others saw how defeated they were going to be and escaped. Tony took Peter to help him and I walked back with the others. 

The school is going to be pissed when they see what happened.

HYDRA Building

"Sir, I'm sorry, but we failed the mission." The leader female said. A man stays in his chair which back was facing the soldiers. "Don't worry. I'll have someone to handle this. Send in the back up 'Shaker'." A smirk plays on the man's lips. "This multiple games is going to be extremely challenging for her but fun for me."

A Long, Long Time Ago... ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now