CHAPTER 1: The First Time We Meet

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I'm not sure how I ever got here and why we have become Werewolves servants. This is no way to live and yet, seems to be the ONLY way to live. I guess on the other hand, they are better to be around than the other mystical creatures out there. At least that's what I keep telling myself to help make me forget how terrible my boss is. 

His name is Lecter and is the twin brother of none other than Boulder Eagerton. The most fearful, heartless and temperamental Alpha there is. He also happens to be the Alpha King after his father died years ago and is right now out on a trip to help seal alliances and treaties with others from around the world. However, his brother in the meantime has been acting like he has taken over Boulder's place and acts like an asshole. 

I can't remember how I even got here really. I've never met Boulder because I got here a few months ago but I heard that he's coming back tonight and I'm not looking forward to it. Luckily the women that have been here for a while as servants have told me what not to do and to just practice with Lecter. 

I don't like how my life has turned out so far and am hoping that one of these days I can leave. Although no human has ever been able to escape without being punished or being killed.

Speaking of being punished, I've been locked down in this basement for days without seeing a hint of daylight and getting fed just enough to make it another day by just barely. 

The horrid smell down here in the cold and dark disgusting cell, let's just say that it's a smell you can never get used to no matter how many times you've been down here. 

I hear the heavy metal door from top of the stairs open up and down walked Lecter while a couple of his men stood off to the side. 

"Have you learned your lesson?" He asks. 

"Y-yes." I reply with a dry throat. "I'm sorry Alpha Lecter." I tell him. 

"I guess I can let you go. My brother unfortunately will be arriving soon and everything will go back to the way it was before he left. Except...." He pauses while kneeling down in front of me after opening the cell door. "If you so much as mention what has happened while he's been gone, I swear that your punishment will be a lot worse than this last one. And do remember that you are to do as I say as well as whatever my brother says too. Because you will not forget your place." He tells me as I feel him gently try and caress the side of my bruised sore face. 

"Yes sir." I tell him while continuing to avoid eye contact with since it's one of the rules. 

"Good girl. Now you may be allowed back inside of the house and help prepare a feast for my brother, the Alpha King." He says while standing. 

He calls over one of the guards down here and has him unshackle me from the chains above my head and ankles. The moment I feel my arms drop, I wait until I get some type of feeling back and move them around while wincing at the pain. 

"Come you lazy bitch!" The guard says as he roughly pulls me up by my arm and pushes me towards up the stairs and into the house then towards my room on the first floor where only servants sleep in at the end of a long hallway. 

The hot water cascading on my body and through my hair feels soothing and beyond amazing right now since it's been days since I've taken a shower or a bath. It feels so good and is making the ache in my bones lessen more and more. 

I know I don't have much time to enjoy really, so I hurry up and clean myself and then get dressed as fast as I can before making my way out towards the kitchen where as soon as I walk in, I right away start helping out in making the dinner. 

"Oh dear." One of the older servants greets me as she tries not to cry while looking at the marks around my wrists as I quickly try pulling them down. 

"I'm fine." I assure her with a smile. 

"I have some cream for that." She smiles at me. 

"Thank you." I tell her. 

This woman reminds me of a Dianne Weist, named Kathleen. She's been like a mother to me along with everyone else here since I'm the youngest one here. Well, other than the slut Marie who's twenty years old, only a couple years younger than me that sleeps with Lecter and most of the Omega's to get special treatment so that she doesn't have to get her hands dirty and work hard in doing her job pretty much. She has been planning for Boulder's arrival for a long time. Sometimes, I feel like a Cinderella. 

Once dinner was done and the table was already set, everyone began coming into the dining room and I walked into the dining room with my head low and looking down at the floor as usual and began to walk around, setting down the plates of food in front of them all on one side while Kathleen served the other side. 

When I got to one of the ends of the table, I winced and held in a yelp of pain as I noticed someone grabbed my wrist. 

"Don't fuck this up." I hear Lecter tell me under his breath. 

"Yes Sir." I reply lowly and finish up. Then on my way back to the kitchen, I turn the corner and bump into a hard wall.

The worst thing about this whole thing is that as I was beginning to apologize after picking up my tray, I accidentally end up looking at the person's chest and then I seem to lock eyes with a tattooed, slicked back hair, sexy as hell gorgeous deep blue eyes looking right into mine. 

"Are you alright?" I hear him ask me. 

I suddenly find myself speechless. Did he just ask me if I was okay? He couldn't have. He's no different than Lecter. 

"Sorry Alpha." I quickly pass behind him back into the kitchen and fear what will be done to me by Lecter for reacting the way I just did and bumping into the Alpha King. Great, so much for first impressions. 

Next chapter will be posted within the next week possibly, I'll let you know when, but here's a sneek peek to this new story. Sorry it took me a while to post it, but I hope you like this and give it a chance. It's going to be a great, sweet and interesting werewolf story. :);)

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