CHAPTER 2: Just Another Servant

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The only thing I wanted to do today was to get back home and lay in my own bed. This was the only downfall I didn't like about being the Alpha King. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have the title and yes I have more than earned my right to be chosen before my father died and I do like the traveling part also but when you do it alone for so long, without your mate and you're meeting other creatures, including other werewolves that have their mates and you're the only one who doesn't, it gets lonely and yet, for me at least, frustrating also. However, years ago I had come to terms with the fact that the Moon Goddess doesn't have anyone for me. Which is fine because I've grown accustomed to the other titles that I have earned as well as being fearless, the most feared and strongest Alpha along with ruthless and heartless. 

The moment I came home, I dropped my bags and a couple of servants greeted me and took my bags up to my room and had given me a head's up that Lecter, my dumb and annoying as shit younger brother, had prepared a feast for my return. Which he knows I hate get together's and plus, there was no need to have done all of that. Then again, I'm sure it's really just an excuse to abuse the servants in making them slave away at making a huge meal for no reason in particular that I consider to be special. 

He has always abused our name and so many times our dad would have to try and hide all the bad things he had done for attention. Such as stealing and my father having to cover it up by just having the people give him a bill or something. My dad always did it to protect the family name. 

I begin smelling the most amazing scent that I have ever smelled in my life and I hear my wolf say, "Mate."  As soon as I turned the corner from the kitchen, I am about to open the door up to walk into the dining room and I felt someone hit my chest and fall to the ground, dropping the tray she was carrying. 

She looked up at me in horror and quickly looked down at the ground. 

"I-I'm sorry Alpha." She says nervously. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"I-I'm one of your new servants." She says while picking up the tray. 

Ah, so she's new? Then all of a sudden, I get this rush of an amazing feeling and know it means that she's my mate. However, that's impossible since she's a human and as everyone knows they are only meant for one purpose and for her to be my mate would make me the laughing stock to everyone and that's the LAST thing I would ever want. So right away, I try and make it clear where she stands with me. 

"Well, you need to watch where the hell you're going." I scowl at her. 

She then nods her head and walks into the kitchen as I walk more into the room and take a seat at the head of the table and see everyone looking at me. 

"Sorry Boulder, we've been trying to teach her before you got here how to behave. But she's human, they're idiots." He laughs but I don't laugh with him. 

"Let's eat." I tell everyone. 

"Welcome home King Alpha." Everyone including my brother says in unison which I hate his friends just as much as I hate him also. 

I continue to eat as does the rest of them and I tell them about my trip and events that are coming up but in all honesty, my wolf is making it hard for me to think about much, even what to say, as all I can smell is her scent as he tells me what I should do and acts excited like a kid that we've found our mate. So I blocked him for now. 

Afterwards, I had gone into the study to work on a few treaties and alliance contracts I collected while on the trip and file them away before starting in on mail. 

I had forgotten the book that my father gave me that had all information about everyone and everything that I always carried with me and needed to add a few notes to. So I made my way up to my bedroom and stopped when I opened the door and saw the new servant in my room. 

"What are you doing in here?!" I growled. 

She jumped back a little and stopped fluffing my pillow. 

"I'm sorry Alpha, I was told to prepare your bed and to wash your clothes from your duffel bag." She tells me. 

I look at the nightstand and notice that she has set the book I was coming up here to get on and I glare at her. 

"How dare you!" I snap at her while quickly grabbing the book and noticed it had been opened. 

"I was told that this is what you have your servants do." She began to explain. 

"No! Not that! THIS!" I snap at her again while holding the book in front of her face and then walking back to where I was on the opposite side of the bed, facing her. 

"Oh, I just put that on the nightstand cause I didn't know where to put it." She says. 

"Look at me!" I demanded. 

"No. It's not aloud." She replies while shaking her head 'no.'

"I said look at me, NOW!" I yell out the last part, causing her to jump a little again and then looks around her before looking into my eyes. 

"Do not EVER and I mean EVER touch this again or so help me you'll be punished." I warn her. 

The fear in her eyes that appeared as soon as I told her that made me instantly begin to feel bad. Wait, why the hell do I care if I scare her or not? She's just another servant who knows me only to be a monster, just as the rest of them think. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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