CHAPTER 16: It's My Brother....

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I'm glad we went with this intimate dinner idea instead of going out and being around a bunch of strangers. We got time to get to know one another more and found out we had more in common than expected. Or at least that I had expected us to have.

"That was really good, thank you." She smiles at me as she starts to get up and grab her plate.

"No. I'll take care of the dishes." I tell her.

So I get up and grab them and mine and rinse them off before putting them in the dishwasher and after I was done, I dried my hands and was about to see if she was outside still, when I noticed something laying on one of the steps.

When I walk closer I can see it's her high heel. Then as I look up at a few steps higher, I see her other high heel shoe and all the way up to the top of the stairs, I can see more items of hers that she was wearing.

While walking up the stairs, I pick them up as I go and the last piece of clothing I pick up is right outside of our bedroom door that's already half opened. So I open it up and see there laying on the bed and underneath the covers from her chest down, is my beautiful mate.

Right away I feel hard and notice my cock jerk a little in my pants, causing me to drop everything onto the floor and begin removing my clothes until I have nothing on. I notice her eyes get big when she looks at how big I am.

"You okay?" I smirk.

"Yeah. I just, I've never seen one that big." She says before starting to look down at her folded hands on her lap.

"What's the matter?" I ask as I go over to her bed and sit beside her as I take her hand and look into her eyes. "Hey, we don't have to do this." I assure her.

"It's not that. It's just, well, I'm a virgin." She tells me and that makes my wolf and I very happy to know that we're the first.

"It's okay baby. I'll go slow. And if there's ever a time you want me to stop, just tell me. Cause it will hurt a little bit but I promise the pain will go away." I tell her as I gently caress the side of her face with the back of my hand.

She then nods and I then take out a condom from the drawer, tear it opened with my teeth and roll it on to my hard and fully erect cock before getting on top of her and positioning myself in between her legs after removing the covers and I start kissing her passionately then move down to her neck before kissing my way back down between the valley of her breasts as I place one of her nipples in my mouth while cupping the other one and massaging it before switching and giving her other breast the same attention.

I start kissing all the way down to in between her legs at her wet folds and begin rubbing her bud that is very sensitive to the touch. Then I replace my finger with my tongue and begin moving my tongue slow before flicking my tongue a little faster and gently putting two fingers inside of her moving them in and out while continuing to flick at her clit.

I feel her grip onto my hair while arching her back and lifting her hips a little bit as she moans.

"Oh baby, that feels amazing." She moans.

"Mmm..." I moan while not stopping as I began moving faster and faster between the motions of my tongue and fingers until I felt her tighten around my fingers before letting herself come all over my fingers while shaking her legs.

"Oh my god." She says as she tries catching her breath.

"Mmmmm..." I begin moaning while kissing my way back up to her lips. Then while kissing her, I slowly place the tip of my cock inside of her then go in deeper and deeper and slowly start moving in and out.

"Fuck, you're so tight baby." I lowly tell her as I kiss her neck.

"Ah..mmmm.." She moans.

Then as soon as the pain went away, I could tell by her wrapping her legs around my waist wanting more. So I begin going faster.

"Does that feel good baby" I ask.

"Yeah. Don't stop." She moans while biting her lower lip a little bit.

I begin going faster and faster in and out of her until she gets closer to coming, that's when I start rubbing her clit with my thumb as I continue moving in faster and faster until we both come together and I collapse on top of her with my head in the crook of her neck while catching our breaths.

"That was amazing Ruby." I tell her.

"So were you honey." She smiles.

We kiss and cuddle before falling asleep in each other's arms.

While sleeping, I'm awakened by Jai mind-linking me.

"Alpha, we have a situation that we need you here for." He says.

"Can it wait til morning?" I ask too comfortable to move.

"Sorry but it can't. Your brother sent us a message." He says.

"I'll be right there." I tell him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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