CHAPTER 7: We're Having Guests

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I'm not exactly sure in how I should feel about the idea of me just being told I was going to be THE Alpha Boulder's mate. I'm not sure if this is any better than being a servant to everyone including Lecter. Then again, he didn't hurt me like I'm sure that Lecter would have done in that moment.

I'm trying to finish up in the kitchen with a few things and everyone else is off doing their chores around the house when I turn to put plates away in the cupboard and almost bump into Danny.

"Oh my god." I jump in fright.

"So, you're Boulder's new toy?" He smirks while taking a step towards me while I started backing up.

"I-I'm just...." I started before he cut me off.

"You're just whoring yourself around. You better be careful though. Better not Lecter find out." He says.

"If he hates the arrangement then he can take it up with Alpha Boulder." I suggest as I start walking past him before he grabs my arm and stops me.

"Don't forget your place or who you REALLY work for." He tells me as he tightens his grip on my arm.

"Let me go." I tell him as I try to struggle out of his grasp but I keep trying to wriggle free until he pulls me harshly pressed against him and gets ready to try and kiss me but instead I bite his lip and he flinches before back handing me really hard against the side of my face, knocking me down onto the ground.

"I'm going to teach you a fucking lesson." He begins as he tries to remove his belt to whip me hard with it when the kitchen door opens and thankfully, it's Mike, the cook who has been like a father to me.

What's going on in here?" He asks.

"Nothing, she slipped. I was just helping her up." Danny says pretending to care and holds out his hand to start helping me stand up. "Now, you need to be careful." He tells me as he squeezes my wrist, leaving a red mark around it.

"I'm fine. I just slipped on some water that was on the floor." I repeat to Mike.

Mike knows what all really goes on and looks at me with sympathy before looking over at Danny like he wants to kill him.

I'm not sure neither but for some reason, Danny seems to be terrified of him.

"See you later." He tells me as I try and roll my sleeves down and fix my hair real quick.

I hear him let out a huge breath before saying anything.

"Why don't you go and clean up a little bit then go into town to run a few errands with Kathleen.

I just nod my head and begin making my way towards my room.

It takes me a little while as I try and pull myself together before heading out to find Kathleen.

While running a few errands with Kathleen, one of the last places we had to go was into a flower shop where she started to put together a good assortment of flowers.

"What do you think of these?" She asks as she holds up a bouquet bundle of flowers.

"They're very nice." I tell her.

"Are they the kind your mother would like?" She asks.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm asking because Alpha Boulder wanted me to get some flowers to give him to place onto his mother's grave as he does every year on her birthday." She tells me.

"Oh, well, yeah, they look beautiful." I assure her with a smile.

"Good." She smiles in satisfaction.
She then pays for them before we start heading back to the house.

When we got back, I hear Lecter begin to yell loudly as I noticed him walking towards me while looking pissed off.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He yells at me.

"What? I was out with Kathleen. We were running errands." I tell him.

"Who said you could leave?! You're still being punished for the other night you snuck out. Not to mention avoid your punishment." He says.

"I was helping Kathleen out. Besides I had finished most of my chores." I tell him.

"That's not the point! You need to ask for permission everytime." He tells me.

"That's not what Alpha Boulder said." I say under my breath.

"What was that? he asks.

"Nothing." I hold my head down.

"Are you talking back to me?" He asks.

"No." I begin to nervously reply.

"Better not." He says. "Now go get some wood for the fireplaces. We have some company coming over in a few hours and need them to be warm and comfortable." He says.

"But it's almost dark." I protest unintentionally.

"You will do as I tell you. Unless you want to join me in my room right now." He says under his breath close by to me.

"No." I shake my head.

"What a shame." He says. Then he takes a step back and sends Kathleen to the kitchen.

"Lecter, I can go with her since it's almost dark and she really shouldn't be out in the woods alone. Especially not after what tonight is." She reminds him.

"What's tonight?" I ask.

Kathleen looks like she's about to tell me until he stops her and has her continue walking back to the kitchen.

"Now, go get the wheel barrel and grab some quick." He tells me.

"Yes sir." I curtsy a little and then walk past him and out towards the back after throwing on my sweater.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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